I Got Tagged!!!

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Just like the title says! I got tagged by RubyPasha from Wattpad. And I'm here to answer her list of questions! So here goes!

My favorite game(s) so far has to be Hollow Knight, Undertale, and Cuphead.

My favorite songs/artists varies. From Panic! At the Disco to various versions of Nightcore. As long as it's got a strong rhythm and catchy lyrics, I'm all in~!!!

I just want to say that I absolutely love you all that have read my works so far! Especially for my Merformers and Casino Cups or Cuphead, fics! And to avoid any confusion for the future, I'm on Tumblr as blueangelicrose, Archive of our own as Heavensent003, and Quotev as SkyAngel003! That way you know how to reach me! But I'll be mostly posting here on Wattpad since it's relatively easier to handle.

And my favorite show would have to be Dead Files on the Travel channel. And my favorite movie would have to be Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki. If you can't tell, I love anything paranormal! LOLOL!!!

And as for fact and a joke goes: Did you know that Poltergeist means "noisy ghost" in German? And they live up to that name, trust me!
And this joke I heard from YouTube from the HuniCast! If you don't know who they are, I suggest you look it up.

*Ahem* What does James Bond do before bed?


*Cue drumroll sounds*🥁😉😂

And as far as tagging people-----
I really don't know how or want to do it so you can relax about that. For now. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Oh! Before I forget! I'm thinking about making a Hollow Knight fanfic. I want your thoughts on it. Yay? Or nay?

Anyways, this is Jo, signing out for now! PEACE!!!✌️

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