Chapter 1

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"Woah! The Crimson Prince ranked second? And Cardinal George third? That's unheard of!"

"What?! Then who ranked first?"

"Akira Hio...whoever she is."

"Isn't she that new student?"

"Oh yeah! Damn! There she is! Woah...she's hot as hell!"

-from a distance-

"Hmm... This is interesting. Never has anyone scored higher than you and I George. Very interesting," mused Ichijo.

"Indeed it is. I heard that it was the new student...Akira Hio. She's over there," said George.

Ichijo tilted his head in that direction and stared at her with his mouth slighlty open. She turned around and smiled at him, walking away. 

-later in the cafeteria-

" must be Akira Hio. I'm Ichijo Masaki and this is my partner and best friend Kichijouji Shinkurou."

Akira turned around and saw the red haired student introducing himself.

"You are the Crimson Prince...aren't you? It's an honor to meet you," she smiled at him.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to upgrade my CAD. It's getting a little rusty," she added, walking towards the tech lab.

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