Chapter 2

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Ichijo's POV

I looked at my friend who gave a sly smirk. I sighed and rolled my eyes before smiling as well.

"Let's follow her and see what this girl is really capable of," I suggested, following the beautiful girl.

"Oh please. That's definitely not the only reason," teased George.

I sighed before shaking my head.

"You're hopeless."

He laughed as we approached the Tech Lab.

"I'm not the one who's hopeless. You are, dear Masaki," he joked.

"Shh," I chuckled, peeping through the crack in the door.

I saw Akira situate herself in front of one of the computers before typing in a bunch of sequences faster than I can comprehend. So old school. Before I even knew it, she was finished. That took less than thirty seconds! I saw her make her way towards the training room before motioning George to follow her with me. In the room, I saw Akira wipe out all the dummies with one blow seemingly with no effort. Just as she placed her CAD down, she glanced towards my direction and snickered.

"I know you're there Masaki."

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