Chapter 7

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Akira's POV

I sighed and collapsed on my bed, piles and piles of gifts spilling all around me. Finally, I got up and somehow managed to shove all the flowers into three vases, which I placed on Masaki, Shinkurou, and my desk. Not too bad if you asked me. Moving along, I arranged all the chocolates into a big box. I could eat it another day. Looking behind me, I saw that I accidentally left two boxes out. I recognized it immediately. It was Masaki and Shinkurou's. Smiling, I opened the two small boxes, each revealing one piece of white chocolate. Shinkurou's was shaped in a beautiful rose while Masaki's was a simple yet elegant heart. I blushed slightly before popping both in my mouth, giggling at the delicious taste. A knock on the door interrupted my gift heaven. I navigated my way through the wrappers and boxes, getting to the door alive. When I opened it, I saw none other than the Prince and Cardinal.

"You might not want to come in right now. It's like a hurricane pooped gift wrappers, bags, and boxes. Maybe come back in twenty minutes?" I said, smiling in embarrassment.

Masaki laughed before nodding.

"Do you need any help?" he asked.

"No it's fine," I said, shutting the door and getting back to cleaning up.

I placed all the different gift-wrapping paper in a drawer, all folded up and arranged neatly by color. I did the same with the boxes and bags. I opened the door, about to yell for my two roommates when I saw them talking with this really tall man and a woman who looked almost exactly like him.

Congratulations on winning the Speed Shooting event. Who was the girl who participated in it? I think it went something along the lines of Akira Hio. Right. I have never seen her before. She is quite talented. Why didn't she compete last year?" asked the guy.

"She just enrolled this year. However, she was so talented that they placed her with the Third Years and even then, she scored the highest out of all of us. It was a shame getting our ranks bumped down because of that little genius," chuckled Shinkurou.

I smiled inwardly.

"Is that so? Well then, Third High School is truly lucky to receive such a gifted student. It's a shame that she didn't attend our school. It would've made it even more invincible than it already is," sighed the girl.

I growled before stepping out of the shadows.

"I am not an object you know. I do have feelings and thank goodness I didn't attend First High School or I would be stuck with you two all day." I hissed.

Masaki laughed out loud, much to everyone's surprise. I had to sounded so amazing. I wanted to hear it on repeat every single day.

"So you are the infamous Akira Hio. Tell me...why didn't you attend high school earlier?" asked the guy.

"Barging into personal information are we now? I don't even know your name," I said.

"My apologies. I am Tatsuya Shiba and this is my sister, Miyuki Shiba," he said, gesturing to the girl beside him.

"So you're the reason that we lost last year... Interesting. Well, I look forward in competing with you...Tatsuya Shiba. The Nine High Schools may be impressed with your engineering skills last year...but I'll make sure to fix that," I smiled innocently.

"We shall see...Akira," said Tatsuya, clearly trying to act calm.

His sister, however, was not as composed.

"How dare you speak to my oni-san like that?! I'll kill you!" she hissed, pressing her CAD.

I immediately cast a Spell-Dismantling, smiling as she fell back against the wall.

"Don'tunderestimate my abilities, Miyuki Shiba. Your brother may have updated yourgear and all...but it is still nothing compared to mine. Third High School willwin this year's competition and every one as long as I'm still alive."

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