Chapter 12

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George's POV

I must have fallen asleep beside Masaki's bed because the next thing I knew, something was grabbing my arm. I jerked up and saw a hand. Looking up, my red eyes were greeted by a familiar pair of green ones.

"Masaki!" I gasped, using all my will power not to squeeze the life out of my best friend.

"George... What happened? Aren't I supposed to be dead?" he asked with a weak voice.

"Yes you are you stupid idiot. But Akira did something and now, you're suddenly alive," I whispered.

"A-Akira...? Where is she?" he asked, looking around the room frantically, his eyes finally resting on the frail figure lying on the bed right of him. He jerked up and tried to reach her, only for me to shove him back onto the bed.

"Now now. She just risked her life trying to keep you alive. You wouldn't want her to go through that again now would you?" I scolded.

He sighed before sinking back into the pillows, his eyes never leaving Akira.

"How did she do it?" he asked.

I sighed, shrugging.

"To be honest, I don't even know. None of the doctors or nurses know either. I guess you'll have to ask her when she wakes up," I said.

Masaki's POV

I can't believe that she risked her life to preserve mine... I jumped in front of her because I...because her. Could it be that she feels the same? Or is it just out of gratitude?

"You should know something though," said George, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What is it?"

"Just before Akira did the spell, she...she kissed you on the cheek. It was almost as if true love's kiss woke you up," he teased.

But I didn't laugh. I reached to touch my cheek, almost feeling her warm lips on them.

-three hours later-

I was just released from the infirmary and I know that I should feel happy that I'm okay... But Akira was still in a coma and I was afraid that she might never wake up.

Stop! Oh my god. I need to stop thinking so negatively. She will wake up.

I got dressed in my uniform and met George outside, a grave look still plastered on his face.

"We should go... The Beauty Contest is in an hour and the ride to the place is half an hour to forty-five minutes," he mumbled.

I merely nodded, a stoic expression plastered on my face. I knew that Third High School was going to lose to First High School again but surprisingly, that didn't matter to me. All that mattered was that Akira was safe. But I couldn't even...ugh! Stop it! George and I got in the car and a random driver took us to the competition area. George and I were led to our seats, which were in the front. Many Third High School's students went up to me to ask if I was ok. I merely nodded, shooing all of them away just before the event began.

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