Chapter 16

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Third POV

"Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! The next segment of this contest is the talent show! Each one of these ladies have something unique about them that they would like to share with all of you today! First up, let's welcome Ruka Seiskou from Sixth High School!"

A girl with bright orange hair tied in two ponytails walked out with six balls. While pacing around the room, she juggled them, earning roars of approval from her high school. Two minutes later, she concluded her show and walked off the stage.

"What a wonderful performance Ms. Seiskou! That was some intense juggling you just saw right there ladies and gentlemen! Next up, Kyoko Aono from Fourth High School!"

A girl with brunette hair, tied in a bun, came out and started singing a song that she made up. After she was finished claps echoed throughout the room, ceasing when she walked off.

"Great voice Ms. Aono! Our next contestant is Elizabeth Visque from Second High School!"

A black haired girl walked on and started playing multiple tunes on her guitar, causing the audience to clap along with her songs.

"Beautiful! Just beautiful! But the fun isn't over yet! Let us welcome Eighth High School contestant, Rubi Oni!"

The white haired girl started hula hooping with ten different hoops around her ankles, wrists, and stomach.

"Wonderful job Ms. Oni!"

This continued until Shizuka came up.

"Hello gentlemen! I will be playing the pipe today for the lot of you!" she said, many cheers heard afterwards.

She picked up a wooden pipe and started slowly blowing in it. It was almost as if the entire audience was in a daze, swaying with the haunting tune.

"Shizuka! Shizuka! Shizuka!" the entire audience, not just First High School, chanted.

She finally finished and bowed, slowly exiting the stage, making many groan in disapproval.

"W-well then. That was absolutely amazing. Not to be biased but if she doesn't win, there's something wrong with this world," he chuckled nervously.

He then cleared his throat after an awkward pause.

"Our last, but not least, competitor is Ms. Akira Hio from Third High School!"

The small yet confident girl gently walked on the stage, as if it were made of glass and would break if she stepped too hard. She snapped her fingers and multiple clear boxes appeared. She than began to dance, jumping on, off, and around the boxes, enchanting her entire audience.

"Akira! Akira! Akira!"

It seemed as if everyone broke out of the spell cast by the deceiving Shizuka. At last, Akira curtsied and everyone broke into cheers and screams.

"Thank you...all of you."

Third High School's Last HopeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ