Chapter 5

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Akira's POV

Grabbing my luggage, I wheeled it towards the private jet the school owned. It felt weird to be wearing relaxing clothing. Actually, it felt weird to wear anything but my school uniform. When I got to the jet, only Masaki and Shinkurou were there. They were both in their usual attire which made me feel even more out of place.

"I'm terrible sorry to keep you waiting. Isn't there anyone else coming?" I asked, looking around.

"No. It's just us and Ms. Jusinhaki," smiled Shinkurou.

I nodded, trying to mask the fact that I was uncomfortable living with two boys. In addition, Masaki was staring at me which made me blush even more.

"Speaking of Ms. Jusinhaki...where is she?" inquired Masaki, breaking the awkward silence.

As if on cue, a nurse ran to us with a frantic expression on her face.

"Ms. Jusinhaki has been hurt terribly! She got in a car accident and broke two ribs and fractured both of her ankles. She will not be able to go with you to compete," she said, turning around and running back towards the hospital.

"Oh dear...Ms. Jusinhaki was supposed to compete in the Monolith Code, Speed Shooting, Icicle Destruction, and Crowd Ball! We will lose infinite points if we back out of these contests and none of the students at this high school is ready for immediate competition!" groaned Masaki.

"Akira should do it. She's completely eligible to compete in Ms. Jusinhaki's events since she was injured. The judges agreed when I just called them," said Shinkurou, who just got off his phone.

"Me?" I asked, incredulous at such a request.

"Yes. You are already in Battle Board, Mirage Bat, and Beauty Contest. I'm sure you'll succeed in Ms. Jusinhaki's other events. You are Third High School's top student," George smiled.

"Yes. That's quite a great idea," said Masaki, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

His green ones bore into mine and I knew that I couldn't resist.

"Ok...but I can't participate in Monolith Code. It's for males only," I said, looking at my hands.

"The judges also made an exception for that," said Shinkurou.

I smiled and nodded shyly.

"Youguys make it really hard to say no."

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