Chapter 4

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George's POV

I watched as she danced away, her figure floating around as if she was the wind. However, when Ms. Jusinhaki strolled towards her office, she looked like a fat pig! Looking up, I saw Masaki stare at Akira with his mouth slightly agape.

"If you don't close your mouth, flies will get in," I chuckled.

He quickly shut it and glanced down at me.

"Shut up."

I laughed.

"You are in love, my friend. It seems that the Prince has fallen in love with his princess."

"Whatever," he mumbled, turning around and walking towards our dorm.

"You know it's true and denying it won't help. You have that look in your eyes. The same one when you first saw Miyuki Shiba. Too back she wasn't interested in you or went to the same high school. But Akira Hio...she's not an over possessive brother lover. And she goes to the same school as you. And she's amazingly beautiful," I said, walking after him.

"Don't even," he groaned.

Ilaughed again as I closed the door behind me and felt a pillow hit my face.

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