Chapter 18

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Masaki's POV

I rushed to George, who happened to be waiting by the entrance, evading all the screaming people. I carefully navigated my way through the crowd, which was quite difficult because many started asking me questions about my relationship. When I finally pushed through the stampede of students, I saw George leaning against a wall and drinking some wine. I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? A little help would've been nice," I huffed.

He chuckled.

"But it was more fun watching you," he said with a smirk on his face.

I playfully punched his arm before crossing mine again.

"You have to help me get ready for the ball. Akira is going to look stunning, as usual, and I can't look like a chicken coop next to her," I said quickly.

"Well...what are we waiting for then? Let's go," he said, dragging me back to my room and ditching his glass of wine.

"Wait wait wait! I don't have anything to wear except my uniform!" I protested.

George stopped in his steps and growled, mumbling some incoherent and probably dirty words.

"Masaki... You've been to one of these things before! You have to wear a tux if you're bringing a lady!" he hissed.

"I just wore my uniform the last time. I didn't know I would fall so head over heals for Akira and I didn't know that she had the same feelings towards me," I said, putting my hands up in surrender.

He mumbled something under his breath.

"How can she not? How can any girl not? You're literally a girl magnet Masaki! Which girl has completely ignored you once they laid eyes on you?" he said, exasperated.

I chuckled under my breath.

"Yeah...but Akira's different," I said, smiling.

He rolled his eyes before dragging me towards a tux shop.

"Well come on! We need to find you a tux in less than two hours so hurry your ass!"

-at the ball-

I looked around nervously, trying to catch a glimpse of Akira. George chuckled at me, shaking his head and sipping his glass.

"You are so hopelessly in love, Masaki," he chuckled.

"Shut up," I mumbled.

Suddenly, a gasp echoed throughout the room and I looked over towards the doors. A clash reverberated throughout the room, yet no one paid any mind to it. Stepping over the broken glass, I slowly made my way towards the goddess.

"," I breathed.

She giggled before pressing her body against mine.

"You're not too shabby yourself," she chuckled.

"Please. I look like a homeless beggar compared to you, my lady," I smiled.

She rolled her eyes and playfully nudged me.

"May I have this dance?" I asked, sweeping down and offering her my hand.

"Why of course," she smirked, delicately placing her hand in mine. 

We swirled through the ballroom, catching the eye of any man or woman that we passed. With her in my arms, I felt that nothing could ever be wrong again. 

"I love you," I smiled.

"I love you more," she teased.

"I love you most."

"Such a liar."

The End

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