Lothorien Hilltop

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Haldir led the Fellowship onto a hilltop. They looked with wonderment at the scene in front of them. The air seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light, and a sense of tranquility enveloped them despite the tension of their situation.

"Liv, what do you think she'll do to us?" asked Frodo, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with apprehension.

"Honestly, I don't want to know, but don't worry; it's probably nothing bad. But don't worry, if she does anything, I'll send Zebstrika out of his Pokéball," said Liv, trying to sound reassuring, though uncertainty lingered in her voice.

As they approached the hilltop, the grandeur of Lothlórien stretched out before them. The trees seemed to whisper ancient secrets, and the beauty of the Golden Wood took their breath away.

Haldir turned to face them, his expression grave. "The Lady Galadriel awaits you. Approach her with respect and humility," he instructed, his voice carrying the weight of ages.

The Fellowship exchanged nervous glances but followed Haldir's lead, walking slowly and deliberately toward the center of the hilltop, where a figure awaited them.

To be continued

Prequel to my version of The Lord of The Rings trilogyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant