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Aragorn floated, his unconscious form gently drifting along the surface of the water until it came to rest upon a bank of rocks. There, he lay still, his features peaceful in repose, as if lost in a deep and dreamless slumber.

Time passed, marked only by the soft murmur of the river and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. Then, suddenly, Arwen appeared, her ethereal form bending over Aragorn with a grace that seemed to defy the very laws of nature. Leaning close, she pressed a tender kiss to his brow, her voice carrying a whispered blessing.

"May the grace of the Valar protect you," Arwen's words echoed softly before she faded into the mist, leaving Aragorn to awaken to a world transformed.

As consciousness returned to him, Aragorn stirred, his eyes fluttering open to behold the world anew. He found himself lying upon the riverbank, his senses slowly awakening to the world around him. Yet before he could fully gather his bearings, a familiar presence drew near.

A horse, majestic and noble, approached with purposeful strides, its hoofsteps resonating against the earth. With a soft grunt, it nudged Aragorn gently, as if urging him to rise.

"Brego," Aragorn murmured, recognition dawning in his eyes as he reached out to stroke the horse's mane. With a sense of gratitude, he pulled himself up, his strength returning with each passing moment.

With a weary yet determined resolve, Aragorn mounted Brego's back, his hands finding purchase upon the horse's reins. And as the steed rose to its feet, a silent understanding passed between them, a bond forged in the crucible of adversity.

Together, they embarked upon their journey, traversing the distance towards Helm's Deep with a steadfast determination. Though weary and beaten, Aragorn knew that the battle ahead would demand all of his strength and courage. Yet with Brego by his side, he faced the trials that lay ahead with a renewed sense of hope and purpose, ready to stand against the darkness that threatened to engulf them all.

Prequel to my version of The Lord of The Rings trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now