Helm's Deep Battlements

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Theoden's gaze swept over the battlements, his eyes firm with resolve as he surveyed the land outside of Helm's Deep. Below, the vast army of Saruman loomed, a dark tide threatening to engulf them all.

"Draw all our forces behind the wall. Bar the gate. And set a watch on the surround," Theoden commanded, his voice cutting through the tense air like a clarion call to arms.

Liv, David, and Saya, standing among the soldiers, nodded in silent acknowledgment of the king's orders. Each of them had come prepared for battle, their training as ninjas serving as both armor and weapon against the encroaching darkness.

"Lady Liv, will you fight?" Theoden inquired, turning his attention to her.

"Yes, I will. I am trained in the way of the ninja," Liv affirmed, her voice steady despite the weight of the impending conflict.

Theoden's gaze shifted to Saya, his brow furrowing slightly. "And what of the other girl who came with you?"

"Saya will fight as well. She is also trained in the way of the ninja, as is David," Liv replied, her confidence unwavering.

Theoden nodded, his approval evident. "What of those who cannot fight, my lord? The women and children," Gamling interjected, concern etched in his features.

"Get them into the caves, except for Liv and Saya," Theoden ordered, his tone decisive. He turned to Liv once more, his expression grave. "And what of your daughter?"

Liv's gaze softened, her thoughts drifting momentarily to her beloved child. "She will go to the caves with the other children," she replied, her voice tinged with maternal instinct.

With a final nod of understanding, Theoden led the way off the battlements, the soldiers falling into step behind him. As they made their way to prepare for the coming battle, a sense of determination settled over them all, for they knew that they stood on the brink of a struggle that would test their courage, their strength, and their very will to survive.

Theoden, with his men and the trio of skilled warriors, descended from the battlements, their footsteps echoing against the ancient stone walls of Helm's Deep. As they passed the deep stream, its waters flowing steadily through a grate in the wall, Theoden spoke, his voice carrying a note of defiance mingled with determination.

"Saruman's arm will have grown long indeed if he thinks he can reach us here," Theoden declared, his words resonating with the unwavering spirit of those who stood ready to defend their home against the forces of darkness.

Liv, David, and Saya exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting the solemnity of the moment. They knew that the battle ahead would be fierce, that the outcome uncertain, but they also understood the importance of standing together, united in their resolve to protect all that they held dear.

As they continued on their path, the sounds of preparation filled the air around them. Soldiers readied their weapons, fortifications were reinforced, and the final arrangements were made to ensure that Helm's Deep would stand strong against whatever onslaught Saruman's forces might unleash.

With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker, anticipation mingling with apprehension as they braced themselves for the coming storm. But amidst the uncertainty, there remained a glimmer of hope, a spark of courage that burned brightly in the hearts of those who stood ready to face whatever darkness awaited them on the field of battle.

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