Plains of Rohan part 3

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Aragorn rode atop Brego, the wind whipping through his hair as they surged forward with urgency. As they reached a ridge overlooking the plains, Aragorn pulled Brego to a halt, his heart sinking as he beheld the vast, ominous sight before him.

Stretching across the horizon like a dark tide, the uruk-hai army marched relentlessly towards Helm's Deep. The sheer magnitude of their numbers was staggering, a chilling reminder of the threat that loomed ever closer.

For a moment, Aragorn was rendered speechless, his mind racing with the weight of what lay ahead. Fear gnawed at the edges of his resolve, threatening to engulf him in its grip. But then, with a firm resolve born of years of hardship and adversity, he steeled himself and tightened his grip on Brego's reins.

"We must hurry," Aragorn murmured, his voice a whisper of determination as he urged Brego onward.

With a powerful leap, they galloped across the plains, the thunder of hooves echoing against the backdrop of the approaching storm. As they reached the hillock overlooking Helm's Deep, nestled in the embrace of the mountain, Aragorn's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and apprehension.

He dismounted from Brego, his hand reaching out to pat the horse's flank in gratitude. "Well done, Brego, my friend," Aragorn said, his voice filled with admiration for the faithful steed that had carried him through countless trials.

Together, they stood upon the hillock, watching as the defenders of Helm's Deep prepared for the onslaught that awaited them. Though the odds seemed insurmountable, Aragorn knew that they could not falter, for the fate of Rohan hung in the balance, and he would fight with every ounce of strength and courage he possessed to ensure its survival.

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