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As Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Liv, David, and Saya rode through the gate of Edoras, the atmosphere seemed heavy with an unspoken tension. Aragorn's approach coincided with the ominous fluttering of the flag, its descent to the ground casting a shadow over the moment. He glanced towards the fallen banner, a flicker of concern crossing his features, as if sensing it to be an ill omen.

As the seven riders made their way through the streets of Edoras, the silence that greeted them from the townsfolk was palpable, their wary gazes following the travelers as if they were harbingers of impending doom. Aragorn's eyes remained fixed ahead, his gaze unwavering as they approached the grand entrance of Meduseld.

Upon the porch of the Golden Hall stood a figure cloaked in white, her presence commanding yet enigmatic. "You'd find more cheer in a graveyard," quipped Gimli, his attempt at lightening the mood met with a faint chuckle from Liv.

Aragorn's attention shifted back towards the hall, but to his surprise, the lady had vanished from sight. "Mommy, where are we?" piped up Lily, her voice cutting through the tense air.

"We're in Rohan, sweetie," Liv replied, offering her daughter a reassuring smile.

"This place reminds me of Royal Academy after the Alias Academy attack," remarked David, his words laced with a hint of unease.

"Honey, maybe don't say that out loud," Liv advised gently, a note of caution in her tone.

"You're right, sorry," David conceded, realizing the sensitivity of his remark as they continued their solemn procession towards Meduseld.

As the doors of the Golden Hall swung open, Hama emerged followed by a small detachment. The seven companions ascended the steps, greeted by Hama at the top. Gandalf, leaning heavily on his staff, offered a tired smile to Hama. "I cannot allow you before King Théoden so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Gríma Wormtongue," declared Hama.

Gandalf nodded, signaling to the others to surrender their weapons. With a touch of humor, they comically relinquished every weapon they possessed: swords, knives, arrows, and axes. However, Liv discreetly concealed a kunai knife in her sleeve, and Saya hid her blade skillfully.

Hama gestured towards Gandalf. "Your staff," he requested.

Gandalf glanced at his staff innocently, feigning ignorance. "You would not part an old man from his walking stick," he remarked, maintaining his innocent facade.

With a roll of his eyes, Hama nodded and motioned for them to follow. Gandalf exchanged a knowing wink with Aragorn and Liv, who returned the gesture with smiles. "Lily, stay behind us," Liv instructed.

"Okay, mommy," Lily replied, obediently hiding behind Liv and David.

As Gandalf followed Hama into the hall, leaning on Legolas' arm for support like an elderly man, Hama bowed before the king, allowing the seven to enter behind him. Gríma leaned in to whisper to Théoden, "My lord, Gandalf the Grey approaches."

The seven advanced towards Théoden, with guards closing the doors behind them. They noticed several men shadowing the guard contingent as they approached the king.

"He's a herald of woe," Gríma murmured.

Legolas released Gandalf's arm. "The courtesy of your hall seems somewhat diminished of late, King Théoden," Gandalf observed.

"He's not welcome," Gríma interjected.

"Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow?" Théoden questioned, seeking confirmation from Gríma.

"A just question, my liege," Gríma affirmed, stepping forward.

"Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest," Gríma declared, his tone dripping with disdain.

Prequel to my version of The Lord of The Rings trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now