Meduseld Throne Room

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Eothain and Freda sat at a table in the Great Hall, their hunger evident as they devoured their meal. Eowyn stood, her gaze fixed on Theoden, who sat upon his throne with Gandalf by his side, his head buried in his hand in deep thought. "They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the wild men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go," Eowyn's voice carried the weight of urgency.

Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Liv, David, and Saya exchanged concerned glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Rick, cot, and tree," Eowyn muttered, her thoughts scattered.

Freda's voice broke through the tension, her concern palpable. "Where's Mama?" she asked, her eyes searching the room for her mother.

Eowyn turned to comfort Freda, a mixture of compassion and determination in her eyes. Gandalf shifted his attention to Theoden, recognizing the weight of leadership upon the king's shoulders. "This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head-on," Gandalf urged, his voice steady yet urgent.

Reaching out, Gandalf placed a reassuring hand on Theoden's chair, a silent gesture of support. Theoden met his gaze warily, his mind wrestling with the impending decisions.

"Draw him away from your women and children. You must fight," Gandalf continued, his words resonating with a sense of necessity.

Liv and David glanced worriedly at Lily, concern for their daughter's safety evident in their eyes. "You have 2000 good men riding north as we speak. Eomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king," Aragorn added, his voice firm with resolve.

"They're both right, my lord," Liv interjected, rising from her seat. "If we do nothing, things will only get worse from here on out," she pleaded, her voice tinged with urgency.

"They will be 300 leagues from here by now. Eomer cannot help us," Theoden countered, his tone heavy with the burden of responsibility.

Gandalf moved forward, ready to offer counsel, but Theoden halted him with a raised hand. "I know what it is that you want from me, but I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war," Theoden declared, his resolve unwavering.

Aragorn leaned forward, his vape pen momentarily forgotten as he spoke with conviction. "Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not," he asserted, his words echoing in the hall.

Eowyn spun to look at Theoden and Aragorn, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and determination. Theoden turned away, his expression etched with worry, grappling with the weight of his decision as the fate of Rohan hung in the balance.

The tension in the Great Hall was palpable as each person awaited the king's decision, knowing that whatever choice was made would shape the course of their future.  

Hama stood amidst the bustling city, his voice cutting through the air with authority as he delivered the king's decree. "By order of the king, the city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep. Do not burden yourself with treasures. Take only what provisions you need," he announced, his words met with a flurry of activity as the people of Edoras hastily gathered their belongings.

Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Liv, David, and Saya moved among the crowd, their presence a mix of reassurance and solidarity. "Helm's Deep. They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight," Gimli grumbled, his stout form weaving through the throng.

"Who will defend them if not their king?" he questioned, his concern etched on his face. "I have to agree with Gimli. Theoden should stand and fight," Liv remarked, her voice tinged with frustration.

Prequel to my version of The Lord of The Rings trilogyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum