Helm's Deep

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As the line of Rohirrim stretches far behind them, their spirits soar at the sight of Helm's Deep in the distance. A sense of relief washes over them, knowing that safety and refuge await within its ancient walls. A villager, overcome with emotion, utters the name "Helm's Deep," a whispered prayer of hope and sanctuary.

Eowyn, her heart heavy with the weight of responsibility, walks to the forefront of the procession. Her gaze sweeps over the Westfold Vale, taking in the sprawling landscape that leads to the gorge where Helm's Deep lies nestled in the shadow of Thrihyrne.

Mixed emotions stir within her as she beholds the sight. Relief floods her at the thought of finding shelter within the fortress, yet dread gnaws at her, knowing that the looming threat of Saruman's forces still looms large.

Standing upon the rise, Eowyn takes a moment to absorb the scene before her. The wind whispers through the grass, carrying with it the scent of impending battle. But she steels herself, her determination unwavering as she follows the Rohirrim down towards the safety of Helm's Deep, ready to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.

Soldiers swung the doors open, their tired faces illuminated briefly by the light pouring in from outside. Eowyn, accompanied by the throng from Edoras, entered first, her determined stride matched by the anxious anticipation of those behind her. The roads leading to Helm's Deep were now lined with soldiers and people of Rohan, a testament to the refuge this fortress had become for those displaced by war.

Amidst the flurry of activity, Lily, Liv, and David's daughter, anxiously scanned the crowd, searching for her parents. Feeling a tug on her sleeve, Eowyn knelt down to Lily's level, concern etched across her features as the young girl voiced her worry.

"What's wrong, child?" Eowyn inquired gently.

"Where are my parents?" Lily's voice trembled with uncertainty.

"They should be here soon, don't worry," Eowyn reassured her with a comforting smile.

Suddenly, Eothain and Freda broke through the masses, their faces brightening as they spotted their mother. "Mama!" Freda exclaimed, rushing into Morwen's embrace, her relief palpable.

"Eothain, Freda," Morwen greeted them warmly, pulling her children close.

Meanwhile, Eowyn, ever vigilant, assessed the supplies with a critical eye. "Where is the rest?" she inquired, her tone firm yet concerned.

"This is all we could save, my lady," Aldor replied, his expression reflecting the gravity of their situation.

The meager food supply, consisting of only a dozen bags and a handful of baskets, was a stark reminder of the hardships they faced. "Take it to the caves," Eowyn commanded, her voice unwavering amidst the chaos.

As the soldiers cleared the way, a cry rang out: "Make way for the king!" Gamling's voice echoed through the fortress, drawing everyone's attention.

Eowyn wasted no time, breaking into a run to meet the returning soldiers. The sound of hoofbeats filled the air as the horsemen rode into Helm's Deep, their weary faces telling tales of battles fought and lives lost.

"Make way for Theoden! Make way for the king!" Gamling's voice boomed once more, urging the crowd to clear a path.

Eowyn surveyed their numbers quickly, her heart sinking at the sight of so few returning. "So few. So few of you have returned," she murmured, her disappointment evident.

As Theoden dismounted and approached, Eowyn's gaze met his, searching for reassurance. But his expression spoke volumes, and she could sense the weight of their losses.

"Our people are safe," Theoden spoke, his voice heavy with the burden of their sacrifices. He turned to assist a wounded soldier, his actions speaking louder than words.

Gimli approached solemnly, addressing Eowyn with respect. "My lady," he began, his tone somber.

"Lord Aragorn, where is he?" Eowyn's voice quivered with concern, her eyes searching desperately for any sign of hope.

"He fell," Gimli replied quietly, the weight of the words hanging heavy in the air.

Eowyn's eyes widened in disbelief as she turned to look at Theoden, her heart breaking at the confirmation of their loss. Visibly shaken, she sank to the ground, needing a moment to gather her thoughts and emotions.

Just then, amidst the turmoil, Lily's voice rang out in relief as she spotted her parents. "Mommy! Daddy!" she cried, running towards them with arms outstretched.

"Lily, thank God you're okay," Liv exclaimed, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks as she enveloped her daughter in a tight embrace, David joining them moments later, his expression a mix of gratitude and exhaustion.

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