Plains of Rohan part 2

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The six hunters spurred their mounts across the vast plain, urgency driving their journey towards Edoras.

That night, Gandalf stood sentinel on a hillock, his form a stark silhouette against the expanse of the Plains. Aragorn left the warmth of the campfire to join him, the gravity of their quest etched upon his features.

"The shadow in the east takes form," Gandalf began, his voice heavy with foreboding. "Sauron will not abide any challenger. From the summit of Barad-dur, his Eye pierces the veil of night. Yet even the Dark Lord is not immune to fear. Doubt festers within him. The whispers of Numenor's heir trouble him."

Aragorn met Gandalf's gaze squarely. "Sauron fears you, Aragorn. He fears what you may become," Gandalf continued. Aragorn's jaw tightened as he absorbed the weight of the statement.

"And so he prepares to strike swiftly at the realms of men, employing Saruman as his willing pawn to bring ruin upon Rohan," Gandalf declared, his tone grim. "War looms on the horizon. Rohan teeters on the brink of collapse. Theoden's mind is ensnared, a puppet of Saruman's design. The noose tightens."

"But we possess an advantage," Gandalf added, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "The Ring remains concealed. And the thought of its destruction has yet to infiltrate their darkest imaginings."

Aragorn nodded solemnly. "Frodo bears it, inching closer to Mordor with each passing day. We must have faith in him, in his speed and his discretion," Gandalf continued, casting a meaningful glance at Aragorn, who bore the burden of concern.

"Do not doubt your decision to part from him," Gandalf reassured him. "Frodo must shoulder this burden alone."

"He is not alone. Sam accompanies him," Aragorn interjected.

Gandalf's approval shone in his eyes. "Is that so? Excellent," he replied, turning his gaze back to the horizon. "Yes, very encouraging."

Liv, drawn by their conversation, approached and took a seat beside them. "So what's the plan then?" she inquired, her voice tinged with urgency.

"We must sever Saruman's grip on the king," Gandalf responded firmly.

Before they could delve further, David's voice interrupted from the campfire. "Babe, come back to bed," he called out.

"I'm coming," Liv replied, glancing back briefly before making her way to where David and Lily lay.

"No funny business, you two," Gimli teased, earning a sharp glare from Liv.

"Leave my sister be, Gimli," Legolas intervened, his tone firm.

"Why should I?" Gimli countered.

"She's my sister," Legolas asserted.

Gimli's response was callous. "Who cares?"

Saya, nearby, swiftly reprimanded him with a light smack to the head. "For being rude to Liv," she stated firmly.

Gimli rubbed his head, bewildered. "What was that for?"

"For being disrespectful," Saya reiterated, her voice unwavering.

"Enough, all of you," Aragorn commanded, his tone cutting through the tension. "Let us retire for the night," Saya suggested, seeking to diffuse the brewing conflict.

Under the vast expanse of the sky, the company of Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Liv, David, and Saya rode across the sprawling plains. Their journey led them to a rise where they paused, gazing across the landscape at the sight of Edoras, the walled city, perched atop a small mountain, its majestic Golden Hall of Meduseld towering above.

"Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld," Gandalf spoke with gravity, his words echoing over the plains. "There resides Theoden, King of Rohan, his mind ensnared by Saruman's treachery. Yet, Saruman's grip upon him is not as firm as it may seem."

The six hunters listened attentively, the significance of their mission weighing heavily upon them. Gandalf's cautionary words reminded them of the challenges they would face within the city walls.

"Be mindful of your words. Do not expect a warm welcome, especially you, David," Gandalf warned, fixing a stern gaze on the young man.

Liv couldn't resist a playful retort. "Oh, burn," she teased, eliciting a chuckle from David.

"Some girlfriend you are," David quipped back, his tone laced with amusement.

As Gandalf set off towards Edoras, the others followed suit, their horses carrying them down the slope towards the city below.

Legolas, ever perceptive, couldn't help but address the banter between Liv and David. "What's with you two constantly teasing each other? Do you want your daughter to grow up seeing her parents at odds?" he inquired, concern coloring his voice.

Liv shrugged casually. "David and I don't hate each other; we just enjoy joking around," she explained, shooting David a playful grin.

David nodded in agreement, his demeanor relaxed, sharing a knowing look with Liv.

"Well, you certainly have a unique way of showing it," Legolas remarked, a teasing glint in his eyes.

Liv shot him a playful glare. "At least David doesn't act like a jerk," she retorted, her tone teasing yet affectionate.

"I'm offended," Legolas pretended to protest, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well, serves you right," Liv replied with a playful wink, the banter lightening the mood as they continued their journey towards Edoras.

Just then, Liv's Talonflame returned, its presence interrupting the conversation. "Talonflame," the Pokémon chirped.

"Talonflame, did you find anything?" Liv inquired eagerly.

The Pokémon shook its head, indicating it had found nothing of note. "Well, thanks for trying, Talonflame," Liv said gratefully, recalling her Pokémon.

"He didn't find anything?" David asked, concerned.

"No, which is unusual. Talonflame usually spots things quickly," Liv explained.

"I knew it was a bad idea to send that bird to scout," Gimli grumbled, earning an elbow from Legolas.

"Watch it," Legolas warned Gimli.

"Yeah, Gimli, you don't want my Tepig to attempt to fry you again," Liv teased, lightening the tension with a hint of humor.

"We must keep moving," Aragorn interjected, his voice steady with determination. "To Edoras."

"Aragorn is right. We must make haste to Edoras," Gandalf agreed, urging the company onward as they resumed their journey towards the city of Rohan.

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