Chapter 3

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Months passed, and Thranduil made good on his word. Often she received small gifts, such as a flower on her pillow as she woke, a ribbon for her hair delivered to her door before breakfast. In the evenings he asked his attendant to take her a glass of his own wine, which according to what people told her, he made himself.

When she was asked about the gifts, she merely smiled fondly and changed the subject. She didn't want anyone to know that she had almost refused the Woodland Prince himself out of surprise. She had a feeling that would disrespect his reputation.

And what a reputation!

She had heard from many that he was cold and calculating, never allowing anyone close to him. They told her that Oropher never had a better strategist than Thranduil, that he fell into the role of the prince all too well. Her fellow healers told her that he was ruthless and a fierce warrior, and that he was a serious elf, and rarely had time for anything other than taking care of the kingdom.

So, when they crossed paths again, for the first time in months, she was passing through the throne room. She glanced over to where he was deep in conversation with his father, and paused to observe him. She didn't know how long she stood there with her brow furrowed in thought, when his eyes met hers.

Her heart stumbled in her chest as she watched a smile unfold on his handsome features. Unconsciously, she placed her hand on her chest, hoping to calm her suddenly stampeding heart. In that moment, she had never seen anything more breathtaking than his smile. His kindness and patience for her showed in his normally cold gaze. She did not notice when others had stopped as well to witness such a rarity. She only became aware of him, and the fact that he was moving closer to her, having abandoned his father.

When he reached her, he grabbed her hands in his, his smile out in full force. "Did you like your gifts?" he asked quietly, glancing at the ribbon in her hair, recognizing it as one that he had given her.

She smiled back weakly and nodded, releasing one of his hands to grasp the ribbon, and replied just as quietly, "Yes, I did, very much. Thank you."

He heard a loud cough behind them, and he glanced behind him to see his father looking expectantly at him. His eyes darkened when he looked at his father. He nodded once, and turned back to her, smiling once again.

Bringing her fingertips to his lips again, he told her, "I will see you again."

"Sooner, this time," she blurted. She couldn't help her desire to know the real prince who was so kind to her. She was extremely curious to understand the enigma behind his shifting personality.

His eyes widened in surprise, then his smile turned into a full grin, "Whenever you would like." He was pleased at the thought that she was becoming bolder and more sure of herself.

She looked around making sure she could not be heard, then she leaned up to whisper in his ear, cupping her mouth to ensure secrecy, "Tonight, beside the tree of light."

She had done some exploring of the forest in her free time, and had a special place she suddenly decided she wished to share with him. It would be quiet and private, and perhaps they could talk.

When she leaned back, his fingers brushed her cheek, "I will meet you there."'

She watched him turn his back to return to his father. She saw his lips still turned upwards slightly as he turned to the parchment his father had been reviewing with him.

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