Chapter 37

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It was a week later that they had arrived home. Celebelen immediately wrote to her aunt, informing her of what had happened and reassuring her that they were all alive and unhurt. She had healed her own wounds right there on the battlefield as she held her tearful son. Then she called a counsel meeting, which was extremely rare for her. Elian took Legolas into his nursery to keep him occupied while she changed clothes and prepared what she was going to say.

She had been idly thinking of this plan for months now, ever since she discovered that the orc attacks had been increasing. She supposed the biggest part of enacting her plan was keeping just one major detail from Thranduil until the last moment. The main point was ensuring the safety of her son. Her plan was perhaps inspired by her father's deeds in life, and the name he had made for himself. She missed him terribly, but she knew he would support her decision.

When the counsel room was full and all eyes were on her, she explained very carefully her idea for a labyrinthine dungeon beneath the palace. She reasoned one could take Legolas and the youngest of their number into the farthest reaches and hide there, as their army prepared for a direct strike against Gundabad. The room was silent for a long time after she stopped speaking, with many looking at each other while deep in thought. It was obvious that they were all shocked that the queen was the one who suggested any type of aggression, much less an all out war. She knew Thranduil was going to war with Angmar regardless of what she said, he would never allow a targeted attack on their son to go unchecked. The orc attack on their way home had sealed all of their fates. But knowing Legolas was specifically being targeted in an obvious attempt to destablize their kingdom was the detail at the top of her list for suggesting this. Her eyes raised towards Thranduil, who's expression was deeply pensive. When he met her eye, she raised her chin in defiance with a look in her eye that brooked no argument.

It only took one thought of her father's gold countenance pushed across their bond before Thranduil stood and backed her idea, agreeing with her plan. The others began nodding, though they looked reluctant. The king quickly began giving orders to those in the room to mobilize their forces swiftly. She sat down in her chair next to his and put her head in her hand, rubbing her brow with her index finger and thumb just the same way she remembered seeing Oropher do, so very long ago. As Thranduil continued to give orders, he moved closer to her, slowly and subtly putting his hand on her shoulder. Her hand snaked up to cover his and squeezed ever so slightly as she accepted the comfort he sent over their bond.

In the weeks that followed, Celebelen became withdrawn. She spent most of her time with Legolas in her gardens and greenhouses as many architects worked hard at carrying out her designs. Legolas noticed her somber mood and asked her many times why she was upset. Not wanting him to worry, she told him she had a lot on her mind and to not concern himself with such things. Thranduil often watched her anxiously, obviously feeling the tension that neither of them were willing to put words to.

It was about a month later when the dungeons had been roughly finished enough to reasonably accomplish her plan. Their army was fully prepared, and she had silently attended every war meeting they had. Secretly, she had gone to the blacksmiths and asked them to create a set of armor for her and asked them to not tell her husband. It pained her to know that in order to accomplish her goal in full, she would have to keep secrets from him. But she knew he would never allow her to do this if he knew. Poor Elian fretted constantly about knowing her plan but being forbidden to tell the king. Despite the sadness in her heart, Celebelen tried consoling her friend and insisted that her part in this would be the most important.

Finally, it was the night before they planned to launch the attack. Celebelen called her husband into their bedroom just a few hours before Legolas's bedtime. She knew their son was in his room reading a history book that he had found fascinating before bed. Thranduil looked concerned when he entered to see her sitting on the edge of their bed. She felt his anxiety when she did not look up at him.

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