Chapter 10

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Celebelen lead her mount to the stables of the palace as calmly as she could. She stopped by where Thranduil's elk stood nearby. He seemed to be pleased with her return as he gave her a greeting nip to her hair.

She smiled at her friend and pulled a sweet root from the small purse that rested by her hip. When the root in her hand appeared in the stag's vision, he gave a joyful snort and devoured it eagerly. She laughed a little and pet his muzzle.

"Wish me luck, my friend. I go to see the king and his guest. I must introduce myself," she sighed and leaned a little onto him.

She stood for a moment, listening to him munch merrily on his root. Until the messenger who had come for her found her.

"Come, my lady, we go to see the king," he said.

She sighed and gave one more pat to the elk, and left with him.

When the doors to the throne room opened, she saw Oropher standing with a strange elf at the foot of the throne. She stepped forward hesitantly and felt a curious sensation as she met the gaze with this unknown elf. His eyes were a strange shade of blue, almost....synthetic?

She bowed before them both, "My lord, I have returned."

Oropher nodded to her, "And were you successful?"

She nodded, "I was."

He looked to his guest, "Lord Annatar, this is my head healer, Celebelen of Lorien."

Annatar stepped forward and grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to her fingers. Her skin prickled uncomfortably as his eyes glittered up at her. She didn't like this gesture, from Thranduil it was sweet, but somehow this made her uncomfortable.

As soon as was polite, she removed her hand from his grip and said, "I...I apologize but I have work to be doing in the infirmary."

Oropher nodded at her, "You are free to go. Also, I assume to see you at the Autumn Feast?"

She nodded, "Yes. Good day, my lord."

She turned to leave as quickly as she could.

She was glad to see her healer friends when she arrived back at her place of work. Many greeted her warmly, especially when they viewed that she had brought back several rare herbs. Thankfully, no one asked her about the prince, however she was sure many were skirting around the topic.

It was definitely a busy day in the infirmary. They had the feast to prepare for, as many minor injuries occurred during them. She was also reminded with a laugh that they had to prepare to heal several hangovers as well, as it was rumored that the Prince had created a new wine for the occasion. Despite all the work to be done, Celebelen was excited for the feast. She had been told that the prince would not be in attendance, so this meant she could go without worry of bumping into him. This news was good, as her plan to steer clear of him was working so far.

Later that night, it was time for the feast. It was a wonderfully clear evening, elves filtering in and out of the dining halls, laughter spilling into the night. In the courtyards many had taken their plates out to eat under the stars. Many had instruments out and were playing songs together. Sometimes a courtyard full of elves would cajole some pour soul into singing in an off key, drunken way, and the laughter that rang out after the song was done was loudest of all.

She felt happy, and was surprised at how much she had missed being surrounded by her kin. She smiled when it got a little too crowded in the dining halls from all the elves spreading out. She collected her plate and left to one of the many courtyards. She was grateful when one of the elves who had made up her escort called out to her to join him and his friends. Clion, she was sure his name was.

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