Chapter 33

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For three weeks after giving birth, Thranduil noticed that Celebelen was neither sleeping or letting anyone else hold Legolas. It hurt a little that he hadn't gotten to hold their son yet, but anytime he examined her emotional state, all he found was a torrent of anxiety and stress. After spending a day in the infirmary, letting Elian heal and care for her body after the birth, she began spending all of her time in the nursery. He was often in the nursery with them, though her focus was only ever on their son. It warmed his heart to hear her sing lullabies he only vaguely remembered while she breast fed their child. She was careful and meticulous with their son, hardly speaking to him except to say thank you when he handed her things.

He worried for her deeply. The pregnancy and birth had taken so much out of her, it shocked him. The brilliance of her soul had weakened and dimmed from the sheer force of will she had exerted in bringing forth their child. He had read about how much effort it took, but it was another thing entirely to see the true result. It made him glad that she had the blessing of Este and that her life force was so strong to begin with. He also was thankful that she really had stuck to her promise of staying out of the infirmary while she was pregnant. However, soon enough, he knew he would need to force her hand in letting him help care for the child.

At the end of the week, he entered the nursery during late afternoon to find her fast asleep in the rocking chair near the cradle. Legolas was squirming in her arms and making soft noises with his mouth. The corner of his mouth quirked into a smile at the lovely vision they made. He walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder to wake her.

She jolted awake the second he touched her and tightened her hold briefly on the child, as she spoke loudly, "What! What happened?"

"My love, you fell asleep. You need rest. Won't you let me help you both?" he asked softly.

Her eyes flickered to the floor briefly, then stared at the babe in her arms looking deeply upset as her fingers lovingly traced his cheeks. Her voice was hoarse when she replied, "He is so precious. I don't ever want to let him go."

Touching her chin and encouraging her to look at him, he responded, "You need to sleep, and I will make sure no harm comes to our babe. Please, my star, let me hold him a while for you."

With her eyes filling up with tears, she slowly nodded. Taking her hand, he helped her stand and watched as she murmured to the babe, "My little leaf, this is your father. He might seem a grumpy sort, but he loves you too."

He smiled as she gently placed his son into his arms for the first time, carefully helping him position his hands so his hold would be secure and supportive. A strange feeling came over him as he stared down into the face of the babe. He breathed out, "Legolas...."

After she tucked the corner of the blanket around the child, her hands came away to press to her mouth as tears spilled from her eyes. He tried to reach out to comfort her, but she immediately forced his arm back around the babe, "Both hands! Don't let him go! Mind his head!"

Sighing, he nodded and obeyed as he spoke again, "I have never been around a baby before. But I have been reading about the care required, and I've been observing you. I think I can handle caring for him while you get some sleep. Come now starlight, we shall see you to bed."

She took a deep breath, nodded, and started walking towards their bedroom, which he followed her into closely on her heels. He angled the babe towards her so they could both watch her climb into bed. Once she was settled, she whispered, "Please be careful with him."

"Do not worry, my love. We will be okay. Just get some rest, and we will see you as soon as you wake," he replied reassuringly.

Not long after she closed her eyes, he returned to the nursery. Legolas began to babble and squirm in his arms, so he mimicked what he had seen her do and began bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet. Taking a chance, he moved his hand so he could tuck a stray strand of his son's gold hair behind his ear. It surprised him when suddenly the babe took hold of his index finger in his tiny fist.

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