Chapter 6

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Celebelen touched her mouth a long time after he was gone. For a while she stared at nothing, until a grin unfolded on her face. She giggled a little, and stepped in a circle, surveying the place that she just slept the night away with the Prince of the Woodland Realm. She stared at her fingers and laughed, because these fingers had touched him when she agreed to court him. She fell backwards to rest against the same branches that their first kiss occurred on. It was all a little surreal, his interest in her. It was the first time she had ever seriously considered a romantic relationship. But after that morning, she did not doubt his sincerity.

He seemed so strong and sure of himself. She felt slightly awed at her audacity to accept his advances. It just seemed so safe, due to his gentle encouragement. She felt braver as they spent time together. Was this the giddy feeling of love her mother had explained to her, as she told her daughter of how she fell for her father? It must be, as she had never felt so excited and frightened and absolutely helpless before.

She curled onto her side and breathed deeply, smelling the last vestiges of his scent disappearing in the gentle morning wind. And suddenly, as she turned to lay on her back to stare at the clear blue sky, her entire world shifted. She was in love with Prince Thranduil. She pressed her hand above her frantically beating heart, trying to calm herself.

When she finally felt her pulse return to normal, she made her way down to the forest floor, and swept into the palace with a smile on her face. She visited her room, and took in her appearance in her small mirror. With a hum, she quickly unbraided her hair and combed through it with her fingers. After rebraiding her hair, she thought it prudent to change her clothes, find a warm cloak, and find something to eat.

When she got to the infirmary, after meandering down the halls munching on her breakfast orange, she was greeted by her fellow healers. She smiled away at the inquisitive looks they were giving her at her tardiness. Quickly, water was requested, so she grabbed the nearest urn and left to the fountain.

The sun was now high above, and shone brightly in the courtyard. She took in a deep breath and lifted her face to the sky, hugging the urn to her chest. The warmth from the sun seemed to rejuvenate her. Releasing the breath, she stepped forward and dipped the urn into the cool water of the fountain before her.

As she lifted it, her eyes were caught by a movement in the hall. She watched Oropher lead Thranduil down the hall opposite the infirmary, as she straightened. They were deep in conversation, both looking very serious. When he caught sight of her, he paused midsentence. She fought with a grin that threatened to overtake her mouth and tucked a stray hair that had fallen out of her braids behind her ear. She bowed quickly and turned away, her grin now out in full force.

Back inside the infirmary, she went to take inventory of all available herbs they had left, thinking that her position would be good to hide the happiness evident in her eyes.

She listened lightly to the conversations around her, until she caught Thranduil's name as a topic.

As she slowed her movements in front of the cabinet, trying to listen carefully.

"I've heard the prince has chosen to court someone!" said one of them.

"Oh? Who is it then?"

"We don't know yet! He's apparently being quite secretive about it!"

Celebelen smiled as she surveyed the clear jar of king's root.

The one who spoke first giggled, "It could be anyone!"

Another gave a hum of agreement, then turned to Celebelen, "What about you? What do you know about it?"

Celebelen almost dropped the jar in her hand, "Why would I know?"

With YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora