Chapter 24

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That night Thranduil found a large tree far away from the hospital tent she had spent the most of the last three years in. It was old and had wide gaps between it's roots, perfect for resting in. When he made to lay her down, he paused when she clung to him harder. He tilted his head back to look into his wife's face, seeing what many could not. She was tired.

He could tell because she did not even speak out loud when she asked Stay with me? Don't let go.

He took a deep breath, and replied softly, "Okay, okay. I won't let you go."

Thranduil knelt down and put his back against the large roots, taking care not to jostle her too much. Once they were settled, he spoke through their bond, You deserve rest, starlight. You have been working hard for three years without respite.

She replied after holding him tighter I did my best. I can only hope I made a difference.

He smiled gently, Oh, my love, I think you made quite the difference to the lives you saved.

Waiting for her to respond, he took a look at the settlement filled with elves breathing a sigh of relief. When he did not hear her for several minutes, he looked down and saw that she was sleeping deeply with her hand fisted tightly in his cloak. Her breath was steady and even as he took a strand of her hair that fell into her face and tucked it behind her ear. He longed for the comfortable baths in the palace back home, or even a refreshing dip in the river. They were both covered in dried sweat, blood, and ash.

It had been hard watching her work herself so ragged. A few times it seemed as if her brilliance dimmed, as she poured her heart and soul into healing those who needed her. He wanted to stop her several times, fearing that she was giving too much. But then he knew that she'd never forgive herself or him if he made her stop. She had been so frightened almost the entire time. It was only towards the end that she had finally gotten used to the bloodshed and steadied herself.

The war had been brutal. He was sure they had almost been overrun too many times to count, but he could not make himself leave her side. The great sigh he heaved came from deep within. He had wiped away so many of her tears during the nights he had convinced her to try to sleep. It was difficult keeping his emotions in check through this whole ordeal, especially since he could feel in excruciating detail just how badly all of it was breaking her heart.

All of it made him curse everything to do with war. It scarred his wife's heart, made even him weary, and there was so very much blood. He doubted he would ever get the smell of elven blood out of his mind. Even though it was dirty, he buried his face in her hair and breathed deep. It was a miracle they had made it though these last few years, one he took the time to say a silent thanks to Eru Iluvatar and Manwe for. He stared at the stars above them, allowing himself to enjoy the fact that it was a clear and cool night.

Eventually, he found rest as well, sleeping through the night clutching her close. When dawn began to break, he opened his eyes and gently shook her. "Come along, beloved. We must return home," he murmured in her ear.

Slowly, she began to wake, stretching like a cat in the chilly morning. Despite him asking her to stay where she was while he went to find their horse and belongings, she followed him where ever he went. As he was adjusting their saddle, he briefly examined her mental state. It seemed that she didn't want to be far from him, still feeling the fear that she might lose him. He offered her comfort through their bond, trying to reassure her. It made his heart twist in his chest seeing how deeply weary she was. He was looking forward to taking her home and making her rest until her radiance returned.

Soon, he lifted her up into the saddle and mounted behind her. She leaned forward to whisper thanks and pat the horse's neck until he pulled on the reigns and began the long ride back home. Once they were traveling at an acceptable speed, he wrapped his left arm around her stomach and encouraged her to lean back and rest her head on his shoulder. It only took a few moments of cajoling before she finally agreed.

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