Chapter 21

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Thranduil leaned on the inner doorway of the greenhouse with his arms crossed, watching her exhibit and explain all of the different plants she had bred herself. Elrond especially took great interest when she mentioned that she was head of the infirmary and was a highly skilled healer. He admired watching her eyes light up as she was given the opportunity to discuss her specialty with an enthusiastic audience. It seemed Galadriel was content to walk with them and listen intently, only briefly showing her niece seeds that Gil Galad had given her before she left Lindon. Which naturally meant she immediately went into a long explanation of the types of soil such seeds would need.

He was proud of her for handling the meeting of the kings quite well. He supposed Lady Amarie had given her some instruction while he and Lord Finrod were on their tour. It was vindicating to see proof that she would indeed be a great leader. She might just bring about quite the change in this kingdom, similar to how she had changed him. Here she was, already creating diplomatic ties with such ease. Perhaps she would not require near as much study as he had prepared for her. He predicted that her generous and compassionate heart would be the true key to her rule, an even match for his and his father's strict and logical rule.

His heart beat faster when she took the time to look up from the flowers she was showing off to just to smile at him. Every time the sunlight caught the gleam of her wedding ring, he couldn't help feeling an immense satisfaction at how lovely it looked on her hand. It also pleased him deeply to see the beams of light that was refracted by the gem inlaid in her crown. It was difficult to curb his jealousy, however, despite knowing she needed her own breathing room. He so desperately coveted her attention, wanting to spend every moment with her. It was embarrassing when the look in her eyes became altogether knowing and teasing at the same time, as she smirked at him over a large blossom.

Despite himself, he felt the corner of his mouth curl in response, but he chose to stay still and watch from afar. Once he finally pulled his eyes away from her, he began to take closer notice of the greenery. Every carefully potted plant seemed to stretch towards her as she walked past, and every leaf she touched seemed to shiver beneath her fingertips. Her mother and Este seemed to be very correct about her magic becoming more powerful.

Suddenly it struck him again that she was really his wife now. He wondered privately if she was the most powerful elf in Greenwood, including himself. Just watching everything and everyone brighten and rejuvenate as she got close was truly a feat of magic he had never seen before. He idly wondered just how much more powerful she was destined to be.

After a few hours of watching her gesturing animatedly while she explained different techniques she had learned early in her apprenticeship, he gently tugged on their bond. When she looked up, he silently jerked his head towards the door, indicating she should wrap things up.

In the next moment, Oropher materialized next to him, with the other royals. The king told him, "I have a captain ready to show our guests to their room, if they are ready."
Thranduil nodded as Celebelen made her way through the rows of planters while still explaining herbal husbandry principles to Elrond. When she got close, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and took her hand in his. She used her free hand to wave goodbye to everyone, wishing them a relaxing evening.

Once the group of foreign royals had left the vicinity, Oropher gestured for both of them to follow him back to the council room. When they arrived, the king shut the door behind them and paused while he looked at them both.

Thranduil bluntly asked, "What is it?"

Oropher replied pensively, "I have good news. Lord Gil Galad has decided to remove his influence from the western parts of Greenwood. He told me that he did not wish to overstep on his kin's kingdom."

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