Chapter 8

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Walking with the king back into the palace was probably the most nerve wracking experience Celebelen ever had. They were stopped by many on the way to the counsel room, and he responded to every question that was posed to him. She watched silently, thinking Thranduil looked like his father in their sharp but handsome features.

She was certain her hand shook within his as they entered into an empty counsel room. He released her hand and turned to face her.

"So you are Celebelen," he smiled politely at her.

She nodded, choosing to remain silent for the moment.

"Many tell me that you are an excellent healer," he remarked.

"I am," she replied.

"You're very sure of yourself," he said with a sardonic smile.

"It is the only thing I have always excelled at, my lord," she said softly.

His grin softened for a moment, "It's good that you have that certainty, that when all is final, you are still a good healer. Many do not have even that."

She gave him a half smile in return.

"Would you like to know what else I have been told about you?" he asked, his voice benign.

She nodded slowly.

"I was told that you are a sweet maid who cannot stand for any to be in pain. That you are quiet, reserved, and kind. They also tell me you do not train with any weapon, even when offered," he said, eyes watching her closely, seeing the emotions being played out on her face.

"I...It is true I dislike pain. I took a vow as a healer to do no harm and to value all life," she almost tripped over her words in her nervousness.

He nodded in acknowledgment, "Good, then you will receive what I have to say better than my son."

Dread filled Celebelen at his words. Apparently that shone loud and clear across her face, because he tried soothing her.

"My dear, I do not mean to harm you. You do not know what I have to say," he said gently.

"I...I was told by Prince Thranduil that you expressed disapproval of his choice in courting me," she said hesitantly.

His gaze grew sad, "I did. However, I could not calm him enough to explain why."

Her gaze grew curious, though she remained silent.

Oropher sighed, "What my son does not understand is that I know that infatuation is almost intoxicating in nature. However, if it is left to become real, true love, it will eventually, turn bitter."

She opened her mouth to protest, then remembered that this was the king, and closed it.

He noticed her attempt, "I know this must sound terrible. Though I am simply trying to save my son from a fate similar to mine."

"Your....your fate, my lord?" she asked quietly.

"No one speaks of this anymore, and they are right to. I lost my wife not too long ago," he told her.

She nodded, "Prince Thranduil had spoken of it to me, my lord."

He looked away from her, his eyes slightly misting over, "She was a warrior, strong, brave, and true to the very end. She was killed as we left to find this very land. She was shot in her back by an arrow from an orc. She was gone quickly, and there was nothing I could do."

Celebelen took in a sharp breath, heart aching for the king and his son. She had never known such sorrow, but her heart twisted at the thought of her father losing her mother.

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