Chapter 12

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A/N: This chapter was inspired by the song Rewrite The Stars by Zac Efron and Zendaya from The Greatest Showman.

Later, after dancing with her, he knew he had to win her back at any cost. He cursed whatever fool had injured himself, no doubt in a drunken stupor. He began formulating a plan to return her to his side, his father be damned. He saw the look on her face when they danced, he felt their hearts beat as one. He decided he would wait for midnight, and visit her.

He tapped on her window when the moon was high in the sky. Waiting on her, he glanced around at the courtyard to make sure no one was passing by. When he glanced back, he saw the gossamer curtains twitch aside to show her curious face. He grinned when her jaw dropped open when she saw him.

She opened the window with difficulty as he knelt down to speak softly to her.

"Hello, my starlight," he whispered.

"Prince Thranduil!" she hissed, "What are you doing here so late?"

Laughing slightly, he replied, "I had to see you. We didn't finish speaking at the feast."

She looked fearful, "Your father-"

He interrupted, "I don't care what my father thinks. I love you, Celebelen. I've never felt this way about anyone in all my years. Do you feel the same?"

Her gaze softened as she met his eyes. Slowly she nodded, and replied, "Yes but-"

He held his hand out to her, through the window, "That's all that matters." He watched her stare at his palm looking scared. "Celebelen, my feelings have not changed. If you love me as you say, then we can do anything, together." He stared at her uncertain face earnestly, "Be brave, meleth nin. I will protect you. I swear it."

A slow smile unfolded on her features. Then to his amazement, she took his hand and pulled herself up and out of her window. Her night robe looked plain but soft on her slight frame, he felt the silky material slide against his palm as he steadied her with a hand on her back. She looked into his eyes with a dreamy, trusting expression, that made his heart beat faster. He had been without her too long.

"Where are we going?" she asked curiously.

He grinned, "Anywhere we want, my star."

She closed her eyes and hummed while she tried to think. A small smile unfurled as she opened her eyes to meet his curious gaze. "Then I wish to see the stars in your eyes," she said carefully.

A spark of understanding shone in his eyes. He took her hand, and lead her though the palace, through the east side of the forest.

They made conversation the entire way. She told him of her adventures in the north, while he described his ventures in the palace. She teased him about what she had heard of his terrible mood. He responded in kind, by telling her that he wanted to hear her sing more. She flushed at his jab and smiled despite her embarrassment. Their easy companionship warmed her heart. How could she ever entertain the idea of staying away from him? Every moment with him was so precious.

"We all have our hobbies, dear prince. I happen to have a few," she admitted.

"Naturally, my dear," he murmured through a grin, as they arrived at the tree. His smile faded as he looked up. "It's....not how it was anymore, I'm afraid."

He looked over at her to gauge her reaction, when she responded, not from the ground beside him, but looking down at him from the first branch above his head.

"It won't matter. I have something to show you. Come and see," she beckoned. It was time to let him into her heart fully. He had to know who she really was before things went any further.

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