Let's Have A Wedding/Coronation

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As they crossed the bridge leading into the palace, he heard the trumpet call announcing their arrival. He dismounted quickly, guessing correctly what came next. Exchanging a look with Finrod, they both grinned when they heard a shriek. Looking ahead, he watched a gold and white streak burst from the opening gates and head straight for him. He held his arms wide as she tackled him making him stagger only slightly, and squeezing him in a tight hug. His hand pressed to her back, he breathed deeply, inhaling her scent.

"I missed you!" she shouted.

His voice was quiet when he replied, "I missed you too," as she rained kisses all over his face. He laughed softly when he had to close his eyes so she could press kisses to each of his lids, then opened them to meet her gaze right before her lips captured his.

Both of them hummed with joy into the kiss as one of his arms scooped beneath her bottom to hold her up, and the other hand slipped into her hair so he could kiss her more deeply.

They only broke apart when Finrod tutted and said, "Not here, you two. Have some decorum."

She resurfaced first, licking her lips then laughing as he set her down again. He reluctantly let her go to hug Finrod tightly, watching Amarie calmly exit the doors to greet her husband. He handed the reigns of his elk to a captain of the guard who had also come out to greet them, thanking him for taking his mount to the stables. After she had greeted her father, she returned to his side.

"Come with me?" he asked in an undertone.

"Naturally," she replied easily.

He easily scooped her up and perched her bottom easily on his right shoulder, his right arm curling around her knees to keep her steady. It pleased him to feel how easily she kept balance in this position as he began making his way through the familiar halls. His full bag slung over his left shoulder seemed to cut into him uncomfortably and he couldn't wait to set it down. He wanted to concentrate on her chattering as she swung her slippered feet in excitement, obviously eager to fill him in on what he missed, but he was truly exhausted. So exhausted he could not force himself with bothering to meet with Oropher just yet. He also supposed he should have cared more as he noticed that many elves looked at them strangely as they passed, but carrying her like this was easy and comfortable.

Once he arrived at his bedroom, he returned her to her feet before opening the door, gently pulling her by the hand to enter behind him. He shut the door after her and nodded as she continued to talk while she sat on his bed. Apparently Amarie had taught her new painting techniques that she was highly intrigued by. He quickly divested himself of his bag by the foot of his bed and entered his closet to quickly change into more comfortable clothes.

When he exited the closet, he sat down next to her on his bed. Then while she was midsentence, he took both her wrists and pinned them above her head on his pillow. Her eyes were startled and wide as she looked up at him as his face hovered above her.

"H-hello," she whispered.

He smirked and replied in a deep tone, "Hello."

He released her wrists and kissed her cheek, enjoying the shocked look on her face. Then he rolled over on to his side while gathering her up to press her back to his chest, wrapping his arms around her waist possessively. It wasn't the first time they had fallen asleep like this, so it wasn't surprising when she cuddled comfortably into his embrace.

"How was your trip, my love?" she asked.

He buried his face in her hair, inhaling deeply, before replying on an exhale, "Informative, but exhausting."

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