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" ... SO YOUR THERAPIST isn't really your therapist, but your biological mother? and she told you this now after years of knowing that?" Nneka questions, summarizing the information that I shared with her. I blew out a breath, taking a sip of my glass of wine. " Yep, sounds about right."

She grabbed the bottle of wine, examining its contents as she spoke. " I should've gotten a stronger drink than this, it would've been better."

I set aside my glass, placing it on the coffee table before returning my palm to its resting position. " It's not something that I'm extremely upset about. I mean, do I wish that she could've told me sooner? yes, but I also understand her perspective. You don't just go to one of your clients and say ' I'm your biological mother' out of the blue." 

Nneka hums in agreement, crossing her legs over the other as she leans back against the sofa we both occupied. " Mmhm, I get that."

I bit the inside of my cheek," It's still a lot to process, though. I mean everything that I knew, or thought I knew, was a lie. Joey wasn't my real brother, my parents weren't my parents-- like its so much to unravel. and I can't say that I haven't been thinking about all of this for the past couple of days because I have."

" Did you tell him?"

I run my hands over my face, exhaling loudly as I glance over my shoulder. " No, That's a whole other issue. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't even care if I told him away,"

Her lips form into a thin line, a look of annoyance crossing over her expression. " Are you seriously telling me  he's still ignoring you?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Pretty much, but I've given up on trying to fix what I have done. I've sent an apology text one after the other, which he reads but never responds."

she scoffs, " Yeah no. you two need to figure out your shit and move the hell on. both of you are too damn grown to be acting like some kids. That silent treatment crap might've worked when you were children, but you're adults now. Either you move on from this or you go back to being single."

ever since the disagreement that I and Exodus had -- the same day where I found out about my biological mother-- he hasn't spoken to me. I've left voicemails and text messages explaining how I hold myself accountable for the argument that I've caused between us, everything. but nothing has worked.

Do I blame him for ignoring me? no, because I would probably do it too. but does it hurt? yes. I don't want to be the reason why he leaves me and never think twice about looking back. or me being the reason why he cheats.

"  I want to work this out, nene, but I'm not going to sit here and force someone to talk to me. I mean yeah, I shouldn't have pushed him or pissed him off about that subject, but I was only saying it because I wanted us to be closer. I don't have an issue with long distances, but not being able to touch him or hold him or even see him like normal couples do is just hard for me. And when we left Montreal, I told myself that this wouldn't strain our relationship. but it already feels like I've done more damage." I say defensively, crossing my arms over my chest.

" you need to call him," she sighed, flipping her fresh medium box braids to the side as she continued. " the longer you guys don't talk things out, the more strenuous your relationship will be."

I could feel a migraine beginning to form at the base of my skull, the throbbing sensation adding more pressure onto my already tense body. " I've already tried calling him, multiple times if I may add. but he doesn't want to talk to me," I mumbled, my head hanging low as I studied my plaited pajama pants and white crop top. " so what's the point?"

" The point of the matter is that God wouldn't have reconnected the both of you just for you two to backtrack and never speak to each other again. Either way, both of you need to put your pride aside and talk," she acknowledged, giving me a look.

I let her words sink in, considering them. I glance at my phone, nerves bundling up inside me as I grab the device. I type in my passcode, then go straight to the phone. I went to my recently called, then pressed his contact. As it was ringing, I placed the device close to my ear and let out a deep breath.

I was half expecting him not to answer, and another half expecting him to send me a message saying he didn't want to be bothered. But he didn't do any of those things.

When the line picks up, I speak first. " Hey, I hope this isn't a bad time to-"

" Mm, I had a feeling you would call him," a female voice says, a twinge of taunting in her tone.

I furrow my brows, a sudden catalyst of glass shattering inside my body as my heart beats in my chest anxiously. " Who is this?"

" Don't fucking worry about it," She sneered, " just stay the fuck away from him, Aigh? Or the next fuckin' person on my hit list is you."

I clenched my jaw tightly, " Put him on the phone." I could feel anger beginning to rise and blossom in the center of my chest, hues of black forming in my vision as I held the phone in a deathly grip.

" Baby, that's not how things work." She laughs darkly, " You see, Exodus is here with me. and I already told him that if he utters a single fucking word, or screams for help, I would kill you and everyone you ever fucking cared about."

" How do I know this isn't some sick fucking joke?" I seethed, standing up as I began to pace around the room. " How do I know that you haven't already killed him?"

She smacks her lips, " See, if I gave you proof of life, you'll just run to the feds and have them on my ass. Ion need that bullshit. Besides, he was mine before he was yours."

I freeze, my muscles stiffening with each passing second as realization dawned on me. It was his ex, Chloe. the same ex who called me desperate, the same ex that he blocked. That could only be the reasonable explanation for this; a jealous ex looking for revenge. " Chloe." I spat, her name tasting like venom on my tongue.

" Bingo bitch, you finally got it." She stated, "About fucking time, I was beginning to think you were just as slow as I thought you were."

I clench my fists tightly, slowly turning around to see Nneka's worried some expression. " What do you want?" I hissed. " Your issue is with me, not Exodus."

" True, but he's collateral damage," Chloe responds, almost as if it were the simplest thing in the world to keep someone hostage. I inhaled through my nose, running my hands over the side of my face as I turned to glance out of the window. " What do you want me to do?"

" Come to New York, alone. if you bring anyone, and I mean anyone with you, that'll be another bullet in his chest. Got it?"

Before I could say another word, the line goes dead. and I am left in a whirlwind of confusion, anger, and anticipation.

I can't lose him, not after everything. why didn't I just say sorry? why did this suddenly have to happen just when I began to build up the courage to apologize? why is everyone trying to hurt the people I love?

" Selah?"

I shook away my thoughts, grabbed my keys from the coffee table, and threw them at Nneka. " Drive me to the airport,"

Nneka stood up slowly, her muscles stiffening at my words as she furrowed her brows. " Why? What's going on?"

I grab my wallet, my hands trembling as I slipped on my discarded pair of sweats. " I'll explain on the way, but we have to go now!"

𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐱𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐬|𝟏𝟖+ ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now