Chapter 20: I Feel For You

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Manik's POV

I hated how obedient I was towards Nandani's words. She asked me not to follow her and like a good kid, I was following it. My impulsive nature is really fighting against time at this moment. What is in her head right now? Why was she asking about Aaliya and I. I don't think anyone mentioned this in front of her. Did Aaliya say anything to her? No, Aaliya said that she had concluded her feelings regarding me. That's not possible. But why is she getting affected. She likes someone else too! My head was going to explode at this rate. I had to get this cleared with Nandani. But why! Even if she thinks that there is something between us, she wouldn't care like always. That was the deal we had made anyways.

I came back home to find Nandani already sleeping. It was hard to figure out if she was actually sleeping or faking it. Today had been a long and I decided to call it a day. As I laid down to sleep, I remembered that I had to get those papers signed by her. I didn't feel too bad about it. At least I was able to have her in front of me for a little longer. But how long would that be. We are nearing our end.

I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face. Nandani had already woken up and was perhaps downstairs. After taking a shower and getting ready, I went down to find Mom having her breakfast with dad. I looked around but Nandani was no where in sight. "Mom, where is Nandani?" I asked.

"She went out early to help Navya with something. Didn't she tell you?" Mom said. This had to be a lie. Nandani and my friend are not on the best terms yet, then why would she lie?

"Oh yeah, she told me about it yesterday. I must have forgotten." I said to not make mom worried. "Actually, I was supposed to go as well or else Cabir would kill me." I said and left back to my room to get my car keys and brainstorm where she could have gone.

I paced around the room trying to figure out where she could have gone. And why would she lie if she wanted to go anywhere. Maybe she went to meet Adit? But she would always tell me if she did. I need to find her. I need to know if she is safe. I decided to go head out of the house. Nandani, she would have possibilly been to her parent's house. Or maybe not, but I have to move from here to know where she could possibly be. I went to get a jacket from my cupboard and saw the papers. The papers had once again reminded me the reality of our relationship. Today, I had to get this sorted. I took the papers along with me.

As I put the papers next to my seat in the car, I notice something on them. They were already signed! Nandani had already seen these and she had signed them. I rechecked the papers twice and it was her signatures. How did she get to know of this? Since when did she know this? She signed them too? I was hurt to see them already signed. What was this supposed to mean? Now I had to find her as soon as possible. I needed tons of answers from her. My foot hit the accelerator on it's own. Just as I was about to reach Nandani's house, I spot her curled up on the ground on the very side of the road. I would have probably missed her if I didn't look around. Hitting the break, I stop the car right in front of her.

She was suprised to see me and noticed the papers right away in my hands. It was very clear to her why I was here. She looked at me for a second and tried to run away from there. "Nandani," I yelled and held her hand to stop her from running away.

"Manik please! Leave my hand," she asked rather demanded.

"No, not today Nandani. Enough of this! We need to get this sorted today. My head is going to exploded from all this." I said out in fustration while her back faced me. I gave her a minute to turn around but she did not. This made me even more fustrated. I pulled her towards me while she almost fell. I had her almost few inches away from the ground.

"Let me go!" She asked while she tried to escape my grip. I was not letting her go today. She silently kept trying to get out of my hands when I noticed a stream of tear falling off her eyes while she looked away. "Why are you here? I gave you what you wanted. I signed those papers for you."

"You gave me what I wanted? Or I gave you what you couldn't ask." I asked and she finally looked at me in confusion. "You wanted to be with Adit right, then I am letting you be with him. Why are you shredding tears now."

"What! I never said that I wanted to leave or be with Adit. You got those divorce papers drafted but hesitated to give them to me. You wanted me to sign those last night without any questions right. So be happy and go to Aaliya. Why are you here questioning my tears." She yelled.

"Why are you crying then? You should be happy too. Must be feeling so "GREAT" by letting me go. After all you didn't care about me anyways." I yelled back at her.

"I am not! I am not feeling good after signing those papers. And I am sitting here like an idiot because I have no where to go. So leave me now!" She screamed back while I had almost forgotten I was holding her mid air. I made her stand upright. She looked angry at me suddenly.

"We should talk," I asked calmly.

"Talk about what. I signed those papers for you. You should tell Aaliya about this. I am sure she must be happy about this." She was upset. She felt jealous. Does that mean she feels for me as well? What about Adit?

"Adit? Will you go for him if we divorced?" I asked.

She looked at me confused. "Oh, so now you want to hear about Adit. When I kept trying to tell you about him, you ignored me. Why ask now?" I never thought I would love the way she fought with me.

"I didn't like it when you spoke about him with me. I felt jealous. Are you jealous of Aaliya too?" I decided to be honest this time. Maybe then, she would be honest with me as well.

She shook her head in agreement. "I feel jealous when you choose her over me. I hate it when I see you both so close. And it really hurts to think that I may never see you again after signing those papers." She said.

"Someone might think that you like me." I said.

"I don't know about that but I know I am really difficult to be liked. And I am terrified to feel anything more for you. You should go back to Aaliya now." She said making me surprised. Was it not evident to her that I had always felt for her. I pulled her closer to me and she looked at me shocked.

"You think I would be here if I liked Aaliya. Did my feelings for never reach you? Even for once, did you never notice me?" I asked being hurt.

"Manik! I thought you would never like someone like me. I don't feel confident to be liked by anyone. I never liked Adit that way and I was sure about it. But he really changed my perception towards myself. And I feel different for you Manik. I am scared to be liked by you." She said breaking my heart. Why would she think like that about herself? It was never about me or Aditi but rather about herself. She had truly lost herself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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