Chapter 4- Operation Bumblebee (Part 1)

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3rd POV (Somewhere out in the sky)

Megatron flies down and transforms back into his robot form. He lands on the land and walks forward. Vehicons are are mining at the scene. Optimus and Rachet are watching from above.

"Megatron?" Rachet says in disbelief.

"It seems you detected the ancient Autobot frequency precisely because it was unearthed." Optimus tells him.

"Well our back-up shouldn't be far behind." Rachet replied.

"Without knowing what the Decepticons have exhumed, I do not think that I am willing to wait." Optimus stated.

He turns his servo into an ion blaster. Optimus starts to walk towards the mining scene. One of the Vehicons drilled a hole in the ground. It and the other Vehicon start and put their arms inside the hole.

"Show me." Megatron ordered.

The two Vehicons bring out a sphere.

"Bring it to me, with the utmost care."

The Vehicon walks towards Megatron as it carries the sphere. Megatron opens the top.

"Megatron. I cannot allow you to pilfer Autobot relics." Optimus called out.

He and Rachet run towards the evil warlord. Optimus points his ion blaster at Megatron.

"Not only are you misinformed, Optimus. But I would strongly advise you to lower your weapons. Unless you're in the mood for mutually assured destruction." Megatron tells him.

He brings out a relic out of the sphere.

"It can't be." Rachet says in shock.

"The Spark Extractor." Optimus realized.

Vehicons surround the two Autobots

"Rather unassuming. Yet capable of extracting every spark within it's radius. And to think that you led me straight to it, Optimus. Or should I say Orion Pax did. You really should have left your Decepticon shield intact. For you have no idea how useful your code breaking skills prove to be during our all too brief time together. Soundwave, send the Ground Bridge." Megatron ordered.

A Ground Bridge appears.

"Engage them!"

Vehicons shoot at Optimus and Rachet. Megatron starts to walk towards the Ground Bridge. Optimus shoots back while Rachet turns his servos into arm blades.

The orange Medic slice through Vehicons. From the other side, Bumblebee drives off of the cliff and lands on the ground. He drives past three Vehicons, who shoot at him. Bumblebee skids past the lasers while driving towards Optimus and Rachet.

"Bumblebee, secure the package!" Optimus ordered.

Bumblebee drives through the Ground Bridge and transforms back into his robot form. He takes the Spark Extractor from Megatron's servo. Bumblebee transforms into a Camero and drives past Megatron, who starts to chase him. He drives out of the Ground Bridge and onto the ground.

Megatron leaps out of the Ground Bridge and aimed his ion blaster. He sees that the Autobots are gone and that his Vehicon army taken down. The evil warlord growled angrily. Back at the Base, Bumblebee is explaining to the others.

"Loopty-loop, huh?" Arcee asked.

Bumblebee beeps at he hands Raf the toy race car.

"You have some brass bearings Bumblebee." Bulkhead chuckled.


Rachet pressed his digit on the image of the Spark Extractor.

"Here, the source of the ancient frequency we detected."

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