Chapter 14- Darkest Hour (Part 2)

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3rd POV (On Cybertron)

The Autobots ambushed the Decepticons on Cybertron with the help of their weapons. They managed to retrieve back the Omega Keys and activated the Omega Lock. Unfortunately, Megatron and his goons have their human friends in separate pods.

The evil warlord threatened to kill them with Cybertron's toxic atmosphere if they don't hand over the Omega Keys. The Autobots prepare to fight off their remaining enemies. Miko kicks at the glass, but to no avail.

"Not how I wanted to spend my first trip to Cybertron." Miko says sadly.

"Starscream." Megatron ordered.

"Jack, it's time to come out and play." Starscream says tauntingly.

He scratches the glass pod with his claws. Jack cringed at the loud scraping noise.

"Go ahead. The Autobots were prepared to sacrifice themselves for my planet. I'll do the same for theirs." Jack says bravely.

"Me too, creepy." Miko agreed, glaring at Knockout.

Raf gulps before nodding his head.

"I don't care what you interstellar douchebags do to me, the Autobots will never surrender to you for the sake of our lives." Lydia stated.

Shadowblade admired the brunette teen's courage despite holding her in a pod.

"Perhaps we should oblige them." Megatron suggested.

"If my decision dooms the future of the Autobot cause on Cybertron, so be it. But I will never forsake our human allies." said Optimus.

He stabs the Star Saber into the ground and backs up towards the other Autobots. Arcee sighed and deactivated the Apex Armor. She throws the relic near Megatron.

Bulkhead, Smokescreen, and Bumblebee throw the relics away. Periwinkle retracts her Bo Staff and throws it towards the other weapons. Jack, Raf, Miko, and Lydia look at the Autobots sadly.

"Now, if you please, the Omega Keys. One at a time." Megatron demanded.

Knockout walks forward while holding Miko in a pod with one servo.

"You first, big boy." Knockout says tauntingly.

He curled his clawed finger at Bulkhead. Optimus nods at Bulkhead, who does the some. The green Autobot walks towards Knockout.

"If I don't get the girl, I'll make you eat this key." Bulkhead threatened.

He slaps the Omega Key into Knockout's servo.

"You're welcome." Knockout shrugged.

He hands Miko's pod to Bulkhead.

"Get scrapped." Miko cursed bitterly.

Bulkhead walks back towards the others. Bumblebee hands Soundwave the second Omega Key and takes Raf's pod. He beeped threateningly at the faceless Decepticon before walking back to the others. Periwinkle walks towards Shadowblade and hands him the third Omega Key. The ebony Decepticon handed her Lydia's pod.

"Lay one claw on her and I will make you feel my full wrath." Periwinkle threatened.

Shadowblade remained silent. Periwinkle hugs Lydia's pod close to her as she walks back to the others. Arcee starts to walk towards Starscream, who aimed his missiles at her.

"No tricks, Arcee. Hand over the last key if you ever want to see your beloved Jack again." Starscream threaten.

Arcee hands him the last Omega Key and holds onto Jack's pod. Her blue optics flare in blue fire as she glares at Starscream. She walks back to the others with Jack in her arms.

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