Chapter 11- The Star Saber

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3rd POV (Somewhere on the Road)

It has been a few weeks since Smokescreen joined Team Prime. Everyone started to enjoy having him around (almost everyone).  Right now, Smokescreen is driving on the road with Bumblebee.

"Energon signal's getting stronger. About five clicks due north." Smokescreen informed.

Bumblebee beeps at him.

"What do you mean, speed limit? I have a gauge in here that goes to 150. If the humans who designed my vehicle form didn't want it to go that fast, they shouldn't have given me the option."

Smokescreen starts to drive faster. A grey truck honks and Smokescreen nearly crashed into it. An old man with a crow bar in hand steps out of the truck and starts to approach Smokescreen.

"Hey, Indy 500! When I'm through with you, you're gonna need more than a pit crew to put you back together!" the old man threatened.

Smokescreen transforms back into his robot form and gets in the old man's face.

"Bring it!" Smokescreen challenged.

The old man cowers in fear as Smokescreen prepares to attack him.

Just then, Bumblebee honked his horn and transformed back into his robot form. The yellow Scout stopped Smokescreen from what he was about to do and beeps at him. Smokescreen laughed and placed his arm around Bumblebee's shoulders.

"Relax, Bumblebee. I'm just messin' around." Smokescreen claimed.

Bumblebee beeped as the old man brought his phone and snapped a picture of him and Smokescreen. Back at the Base, Jack and Lydia see the photo of the Autobots on an Internet website.

"Old road rage didn't waste any time posting your mug shots. Raf will scrub this as soon as he's back from house hunting." Jack stated.

"Let's hope that this image doesn't get sent to Twitter or Facebook." Lydia deadpanned.

"Is this what you learned while serving Alpha Trion?! I highly doubt that he would have condoned such irresponsible behavior." said Rachet.

"Blowing your cover is not okay." Arcee called out.

"Along with trying to attack a human." Periwinkle added.

"Sorry, guys. I know I really messed up." Smokescreen apologized.

"While Ratchet, Arcee, and Periwinkle are correct, I believe that we are all equally responsible for this incident." Optimus tells them.

"Us?" Arcee asked in disbelief.

"What?" Periwinkle says in confusion.

"How?" Rachet asked.

"We weren't even there.Well, Bee was." Bulkhead stated.

Bumblebee beeps angrily as he punches Bulkhead's chest.

"Our recent efforts have been so intensely focused on averting crises that we have overlooked simple matters, such as teaching Smokescreen how to best function on this planet. It is an oversight that must be corrected." Optimus explained.

"Optimus, I'm honored to train under you and will do whatever it takes to make things right, to make you proud." said Smokescreen.

"Perhaps the best way for you to learn about the human world, is from a human." Optimus suggested.

"Smokescreen gets his own partner?" Arcee asked dryly.

"Puh-lease! Isn't having four humans here enough?!" Rachet complained.

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