After Birthday (Quick)

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"Q, hey. Happy belated birthday. How was it?"

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"What?" Puck asked.

"You don't show up, or even wish me a happy birthday, and you're standing here like..." Quinn trailed off.

"Caramel latte for her." Puck ordered, tossing more money onto the counter.

Quinn looked at Puck.

"On me for your birthday." Puck clarified. "Want anything else?"

"An explanation." Quinn nodded.

"Santana told me not to go last night." Puck explained as he waited with Quinn for her drink. "She said you didn't wanna see me or hear from me, but I texted you anyway when I was at work."

"Well, I never got your text." Quinn said softly. "Santana had my phone though."

"Maybe she deleted it?" Puck suggested.

"Maybe." Quinn shrugged as she grabbed her drink. "But why wouldn't I want you there?"

Puck gave Quinn a look.

"I never said I didn't want you there." Quinn informed Puck.

"Well, it would've been okay if you didn't." Puck told her as they sat down at a table. "After everything."

Quinn nodded slowly and sipped her drink. "My birthday wasn't the same without you."

"After all the shit you've been through, I'm sure you enjoyed the drinks." Puck said.

"Hence the hangover coffee." Quinn added in confirmation. "You've been through a lot, too."

"Not like you." Puck insisted.

"Most of the things I've been through, you've been through." Quinn noted.

"Most of the things you've been through were because of me." Puck pointed out.

"I've never blamed you for what's happened in the past." Quinn stated.

"I would." Puck confessed. "If I were you, I'd blame me for everything."

"I don't." Quinn shook her head. "We've been through so much together and separately, and blaming you isn't gonna change anything."

Puck bit his lip.

"All it's gonna do is isolate you, too, and I don't want that." Quinn continued.

"I don't want that either. I miss you, Q." Puck blurted.

"I miss you, too."

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