Cheater (Quinn/Finchel)

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"Hey." Quinn said, getting up as Finn entered the choir room. "Thanks for coming."

"You said you wanted to talk." Finn nodded.

"Maybe you should sit down." Quinn suggested as she closed the choir room doors.

Finn didn't say anything as he watched Quinn take a seat.

"Everything okay? Beth's okay?"

"Beth's fine." Quinn promised. "I wanna talk to you about something, as your friend."

"Is this about you and Puck?" Finn wondered. "'Cause I think you guys should-"

"This is about you and Rachel." Quinn interrupted Finn.

"Me and Rachel?" Finn repeated.

Quinn nodded. "Remember when Rachel freaked out about you and Santana?"

"At Sectionals? Yeah, but we talked about it after." Finn responded.

"Well, I was talking to Noah about it." Quinn stated.

Finn furrowed his eyebrows.

"He said that Rachel came to him when she found out about you and Santana, and they made out, but he stopped it and left." Quinn said. "Because he didn't wanna hurt you again."

"What about hurting you?" Finn asked.

"He and I aren't together." Quinn pointed out. "I'm so sorry, Finn."

"Thanks for telling me." Finn said softly.

Quinn bit her lip and turned to the choir room door as she heard Rachel's voice.

"Finn, I thought we were meeting in the auditorium."

Finn stood up.

Rachel's smile faded as she looked from Quinn to Finn. "W-What's going on?"

"I should go." Quinn noted.

"No, stay." Finn requested, looking at Rachel. "Anything you wanna tell me?"

"You told him about me and Puck." Rachel realized, her eyes on Quinn.

"Well, consider us even since you did the same thing to me last year." Quinn nodded as she folded her arms protectively.

"But doesn't what I did with Puck cancel out what you did with Santana?" Rachel asked Finn.

"What you did is worse, Rachel." Finn told her. "Because you did it for revenge, and you knew how messed up I was last year. And Puck has a family."

"I can't believe after everything she did to you, you're on Quinn's side!" Rachel exclaimed.

"It's not about sides." Finn insisted. "You cheated on me."

"I'm gonna go." Quinn said again.

"I'll come with you." Finn responded.

"Finn, wait, I'm sorry." Rachel apologized. "Can't we talk about this?"

"I'm done." Finn shook his head. "I'm officially breaking up with you."

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