Mother's Day (Puck/H)

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Puck tossed his cigarette to the ground and turned to face the Hudson / Hummels' front door.

"I saw that." Carole said. "What are you doing here?"

"It's Mother's Day." Puck told Carole.

"Why aren't you with your mother?" Carole asked.

"I figured I'd come see the person who actually took care of me." Puck explained with a small smile. "Besides, Ruth's working."

Carole made a face at Puck referring to his mother by her first name.

"These are for you." Puck added, handing Carole a bouquet of flowers.

"They're beautiful, thank you." Carole said as she accepted the flowers. "Why don't you come inside?"

"I don't wanna interfere with whatever Kurt planned." Puck noted.

"I asked Burt and Kurt for a quiet day this year." Carole told Puck. "Come inside."

"Are you sure?" Puck wondered.

"You can help me put these in water." Carole nodded.

Puck nodded back and followed Carole inside. He stopped by the living room, saying hi to Burt, Kurt, and Blaine before going to the kitchen with Carole.

"Here, let me do that." Puck offered, gently taking the vase from Carole. He stood at the sink and began cleaning it while Carole held onto the bouquet of flowers. "Quinn asked me to wish you a happy Mother's Day, too."

"You spoke to Quinn?" Carole asked.

Puck nodded. "She doesn't like anyone else wishing her a happy Mother's Day, but it feels weird for me not to say anything, so I text her every year for it."

"That's sweet of you." Carole nodded back.

Puck shrugged as he turned the water off and dried the outside of the vase before filling the inside with water and passing it to Carole.

"Thank Quinn for me." Carole requested as she began setting up her flowers. "And thank you for this."

"Sure." Puck responded. "How are you doing?"

"You know, sometimes my brain thinks Finn's just been on a trip or something this whole time." Carole explained. "And then I feel angry that I haven't even gotten a text or call today, but I have to remind myself that I won't ever again."

Puck bit his lip and nodded slowly. "Burt and Kurt are taking extra good care of you, I hope."

"Absolutely." Carole confirmed. "The two of them have been rocks."

"Good." Puck said.

"You, too." Carole added.

Puck furrowed his eyebrows.

"Even when I don't get back to you, I really appreciate all of your calls and texts, and Kurt said you do the same for him." Carole stated.

"Finn would do it for Sarah." Puck pointed out.

"Still, you lost a brother." Carole reminded Puck. "And I hope you've been taking care of yourself, too."

"I've been trying to." Puck promised.

"Make sure you do." Carole advised Puck, putting her arms out. "Come here."

Puck let Carole hug him and hold him for a moment.

"Happy Mother's Day, Mrs. H."

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