Sarah (Quicketh+)

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"Hey." Puck said softly as he entered the bedroom.

"Hey." Quinn replied, petting Max as he jumped onto the bed. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Puck answered. "Yeah, I talked to Sarah some more."

"Did she say anything?" Quinn wondered.

"Not really." Puck said. "She is sorry though. I told her to apologize to you. Again."

"I don't need another apology, Noah." Quinn told Puck. "I'm just worried about her."

"Yeah, me too." Puck agreed as he climbed into bed beside Quinn. He pet Max before laying down.

"Do you think we were too harsh with her?" Quinn asked.

"No." Puck answered. "I thought I'd feel like that 'cause in a way, she's like one of my kids, but... she has to find her own way and figure things out for herself."

"She will." Quinn swore. "We'll keep supporting her. Just not financially."

"Yeah." Puck said.

"Does that comment she made about me working less than you the past few years bother you?" Quinn blurted.

"No." Puck told Quinn. "You've sacrificed so much for me and for all of the kids, and I've never looked at it like that."

"Are you sure?" Quinn wondered. "Because-"

"Don't let Sarah get in your head." Puck interrupted. "She's just a kid, and I'm good."

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