Appointment (Quick)

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"What'd you do?"

"What?" Puck asked Santana.

"To Quinn. She's storming over here." Santana noted. "I'm gonna go."

"Santana, wait." Puck called as he watched Santana disappear. He slammed his locker shut and turned around, looking at Quinn. "Hey, baby. What's up?"

"Where were you this morning?" Quinn demanded.

"Working on something for glee club." Puck answered.

"And yesterday?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"Baseball practice." Puck responded.

"What about after school today?" Quinn asked.

"We have practice today and a game tomorrow." Puck explained. "Why are you getting all crazy?"

"You told me you wanted to take me to my doctor's appointment." Quinn reminded Puck. "It was yesterday, so not only did I have to reschedule it, but they're still gonna bill me."

"I'll take care of the bill." Puck said. "When's the new appointment?"

"Today." Quinn replied. "During glee club. Normally, I wouldn't wanna miss it, but this was the only spot they could squeeze me in."

"I'll take you." Puck nodded. "I'll be there."

"What about practice?" Quinn wondered.

"I'll be back in time." Puck said. "Probably."

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"If I'm not, I'm benched tomorrow." Puck stated. "So I'll be back in time."

"Maybe you should just quit the team." Quinn suggested.

"Quit the team?" Puck repeated. "Why?"

"You're too distracted." Quinn said.

"I'm not quitting the team." Puck shook his head. "They need me."

"So do I." Quinn pointed out.

"I promise I'll be there." Puck said. "I'll meet you right here when it's time to go, okay?"

Quinn looked at Puck.

"I'll be there."

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