Sisters (Quinn/Sarah)

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"I've always wanted a little sister." Quinn commented as she braided Sarah's wet hair.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Sarah wondered.

"I have an older sister, but we're far in age so we're not that close." Quinn explained.

"I wish I had a sister." Sarah said. "Instead of Noah."

Quinn smiled slightly. "Noah's a good big brother."

"Sometimes." Sarah replied. She paused and looked at Quinn. "Do you think he'll be a good dad?"

"I don't know." Quinn shrugged. "I hope so."

"Well, even if he's not, can we still be sisters?" Sarah asked.

"You and I will always be sisters." Quinn promised, smiling at the child's innocence.


"Sarah, hey." Quinn smiled at the brunette. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come visit." Sarah answered as she hugged Quinn. "I hope that's okay."

"Of course, anytime." Quinn replied as they parted. "Come in."

Sarah stepped inside and looked at Quinn.

"Make yourself at home." Quinn added. "Noah's not here."

"I know." Sarah said. "He told me you guys broke up."

Quinn nodded slowly. "We did."

"You were supposed to get married, not breakup." Sarah stated as she and Quinn sat down.

"Yeah." Quinn muttered.

"Are you and Beth okay?" Sarah questioned Quinn.

"We're okay." Quinn confirmed. "How are you?"

"I'm okay." Sarah answered. "School's starting in a few weeks and I wanted to see more of New York before I go back. And I wanted to see you and Beth."

Quinn smiled slightly. "Well, you know no matter what happens between me and Noah, you'll always be Beth's aunt and I'll always be your sister."

Sarah smiled back. "Good 'cause I don't know how I'm gonna get through high school without you. My brothers are too clueless."

"Are you nervous?" Quinn wondered.

"Yeah." Sarah admitted.

"Do you want some advice?" Quinn offered.

Sarah nodded.

"It took me cheating on my boyfriend and getting pregnant to learn that I wasn't better than everybody else." Quinn told Sarah. "Confidence is important, but it's just as important to be open-minded. Don't miss out on friendships or extracurriculars just because you think you're too cool for it."

"Thanks." Sarah replied. "That's better than the advice Jake gave me."

"What did Jake say?" Quinn wondered.

"To remind everyone I'm a Puckerman." Sarah said.

Quinn laughed lightly. "Well, if my advice doesn't work, that can be your backup."

"Yeah." Sarah agreed.

"Did you get advice from Noah yet?" Quinn asked.

"Usually I try to do the opposite of what Noah says or does." Sarah told Quinn. "But I'll be asking Beth for advice."

Quinn smiled.

"Do you have any regrets?" Sarah questioned Quinn. "About high school?"

"The only regret I have is texting and driving." Quinn explained. "Putting Noah and Beth through that wasn't fair."

"What about the cheating?" Sarah asked.

"I shouldn't have cheated, but I don't regret it because I got Beth out of it." Quinn answered. "And Noah."

"And you're not even together anymore." Sarah commented.

"It was a mature and mutual thing." Quinn clarified. "But it's complicated, Sarah."

"How is it complicated?" Sarah questioned Quinn. "You're acting like you're upset you're not with my brother anymore and you're the one who ended it."

"It's complicated." Quinn repeated. "Noah and I love each other, but our relationship needed to end before we stopped loving each other."

"Why?" Sarah asked.

"Because we're not ready for the same things." Quinn stated as the apartment door opened.

"We're back."

"Hey." Quinn smiled as Beth hurried to greet her. "Did you have fun with Daddy? Look who's here."

"Hey, Sarah." Puck said as he closed the door and joined the girls. "I didn't know you were coming."

"I came to see Quinn." Sarah answered. "To get advice."

"Advice on what?" Puck asked, suspicious.

"High school." Sarah said as she got up. "I'm gonna go see Jake."

Puck furrowed his eyebrows. "Why don't you go see Jake when Beth's asleep later?"

"I don't really wanna stay here." Sarah said.

"What's going on?" Puck asked.

"I don't wanna hang out with you." Sarah told Puck. "Me and Quinn don't get to be sisters anymore because you dumped her."

"Noah didn't dump me." Quinn chimed in. "Our break up was mostly mutual, but I initiated it."

"Quinn." Puck said.

"You dumped him?!" Sarah exclaimed. "Why?"

"I want a career." Quinn told Sarah. "I've spent the past six years focusing on Beth and school, and now that I've graduated, I wanna build my career."

"So your career's more important to you than my brother and my niece?" Sarah concluded.

"Cut it out in front of Beth." Puck ordered as he scooped up his daughter. "Come on, B. Let's go get a snack."

When Puck and Beth were gone, Sarah looked at Quinn for a response.

"It's not like that." Quinn shook her head. "Beth is my entire world, and I love Noah."

"Well, it doesn't change the fact that if you and Noah aren't getting married, we're not gonna be sisters." Sarah pointed out.

"We've been sisters since you were nine." Quinn reminded Sarah. "We're always gonna be sisters."

"No." Sarah shook her head. "Because you can't say you love someone and choose something or someone else over them."

"I know you're hurt now, but when you get older and experience love and loss like we have, you'll understand." Quinn told Sarah.

"I would never let go of someone or something that I wanted just because there might be an easier or alternate option." Sarah insisted as Puck returned. She looked at her brother. "You guys say you love each other, you still live together, you have a baby together, but you're not together."

"Stay out of it, Sarah." Puck commanded. "Quinn's done so much for you over the years and has always been a big sister to you."

Sarah shrugged.

"We have to do what's best for Beth." Puck continued. "It doesn't change anything between you and Beth or you and Quinn."

"It changes everything."

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