Found Them (Puck/Quinneth/Finn)

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I found them.

Puck looked at the screenshot in the text from Finn on his phone. It was a photo of Quinn and Beth with the caption:

Happy Father's Day to the woman who has played the role of father in my life for the past thirteen years. You're the best mother and father a girl could ask for, so instead of thinking about my sperm donor, let's celebrate you and everything you do for me. I'm so proud of you and I love you so much, Mom.

Puck furrowed his eyebrows as he dialed Finn's number.

"Hey, dude."

"Hey." Puck repeated. "What the hell is that?"

"I know." Finn responded. "I asked Chris to send her a dm."

"Sperm donor?" Puck repeated. "That's not how things went down."

"I know that and you know that." Finn pointed out. "And Quinn knows that."

"At least now I know why none of us have seen or heard from her in years." Puck said.

"I'm gonna come over." Finn decided.

"I'm fine." Puck insisted.

"We can talk more and figure out where she is." Finn pointed out.

"Maybe I don't want to." Puck said.

"Not Quinn, Beth." Finn clarified.


Puck hung up the phone and looked at the photo again. Beth was so grown up. She looked just like Quinn. Well, minus the dark brown curls that framed her face. And her smile. She looked like Puck's little sister.


"Puck, we're here."

Puck dragged himself to the apartment door and opened it, furrowing his eyebrow when he saw Finn had brought Artie.

"I thought Chris was the one who messaged Beth." Puck stated.

"He is, but Artie thinks he can track the post." Finn told Puck. "So can we come in?"

Puck nodded and let his friends into his apartment before laying down on the couch again. He looked at the picture. Quinn looked the same; still pretty, just a little bit older.

"Dude, you okay?" Finn asked, looking at Puck.

"She thinks I didn't want her." Puck noted. "She has no idea that I've never stopped looking for her."

"But she will." Finn promised. "Artie's gonna find her, and you'll get to tell her."

Puck bit his lip.

"Artie, how's it going?" Finn asked, checking on the brunette.

"I just turned on my laptop." Artie pointed out. "Let me see the picture."



"This is it." Finn stated when the car stopped. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"I should go by myself." Puck nodded.

"I'll see you later then." Finn nodded back. "Say hi for me. And good luck."

"Thanks." Puck muttered, climbing out of the car. He closed the door and looked back, watching as Finn disappeared.

When Puck was alone, he walked up to the door and knocked. He reached for the pack of cigarettes in his back pocket, pausing when he heard movement inside the house. He pulled away from the cigarettes and waited.

The door opened, and the same brunette from the photo stood in front of him.

Puck didn't say anything. Beth was pretty like Quinn, but she had Puckerman traits, too. She was tall, probably an inch or two taller than Quinn, and overall, she was a good mix of her parents, physically.

"Can I help you?" Beth asked.

"Yeah, uh... hi." Puck muttered awkwardly. "Is Quinn here?"

Beth raised her eyebrows in the same way Quinn did. "Who are you?"

"I'm... a friend of hers." Puck answered.

"A friend?" Beth repeated. "Like a friend or a friend friend?"

Puck furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"You can wait here." Beth said. "I'll go get her."

"Thanks." Puck responded.

Beth smiled before walking away, leaving Puck on the doorstep.

Puck peeked around at the house while he waited. It was a small house, but from what he could see, it was still nice.

A few minutes later, Beth returned with Quinn.

Quinn's eyes widened when she saw Puck. She did her best to mask her expressions before turning and whispering something to Beth.

Beth looked at Puck before walking away, leaving Quinn and Puck alone.

"What are you doing here?" Quinn asked Puck, exiting the house and closing the door behind her.

"I've been looking for her for almost a decade, Q." Puck said.

"Don't call me that." Quinn shook her head. "You can't just show up here."

"What else was I supposed to do?" Puck questioned Quinn. "You sent back everything I ever mailed and then you disappeared."

"How did you find us?" Quinn wondered.

"Finn saw some picture Beth posted of the two of you online for Father's Day." Puck explained. "Artie tracked it."

"'Cause that's not creepy at all." Quinn commented.

"I just wanna see her." Puck replied. "That's all I've ever wanted."

"You shouldn't be here, Noah." Quinn said softly. "I don't wanna just spring this on her."

"You should've thought about that before you took her away from me." Puck told Quinn. "You knew I'd come looking."

"I didn't think you'd ever find us." Quinn pointed out. "With your career, and being so public, it's been easy for us to stay away from wherever I knew you'd be."

"So you've kept tabs on me." Puck concluded.

"I had to." Quinn nodded.

"Bullshit, Quinn." Puck said. "We had plans, and instead, you cut ties with me and everybody, and you disappeared with our daughter the day we graduated."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"And not only that, but you let her think I didn't want her." Puck finished. "That I didn't care about her."

"I never-"

"You know what she called me in that Father's Day post?" Puck interrupted, pulling the photo up on his phone. "Her sperm donor."

Quinn looked at the phone and bit her lip before handing it back to Puck.

"Just let me see her." Puck begged. "Please."

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