Proposal and A Promise (Quick/Finn)

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"Hey." Finn smiled as Quinn walked over to the table at the restaurant.

"Sorry I'm late." Quinn apologized softly as Finn got up and greeted her with a hug.

"It's okay, I got your text." Finn stated. He looked at Quinn when they parted. "Everything okay?"

Quinn nodded as she took her seat and picked up her menu.

"I thought you and Puck were with Shelby and Beth today." Finn said, keeping his eyes on Quinn as he sat across from her.

"Change of plans." Quinn muttered. "Noah and I got in a fight, so I didn't go."

Finn frowned. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Not really." Quinn said softly.

"Okay." Finn responded. "Then figure out what you wanna eat. I'm starving."

Quinn looked over the menu, but she was so distracted that she couldn't choose anything. She sighed as she closed her menu and looked at Finn.

"Did you pick something?" Finn wondered.

"I'm actually not that hungry." Quinn stated.

"Do you wanna go back to my place?" Finn offered. "We can hang out and talk. You know, catch up. You can tell me what Puck did."

"Aren't you hungry?" Quinn questioned Finn.

"I'll make a sandwich when we get back." Finn said.

"Are you sure?"


"Can we make a quick stop on the way?"



"Why are we here?" Finn asked as he and Quinn walked around the store together.

"I need to get something." Quinn told Finn. She pulled him back, hiding in one of the aisles. "Crap."

"What?" Finn wondered.

"I just saw Sam and Blaine." Quinn said.

"So let's go say hi." Finn replied.

Quinn shook her head. "Can you get something for me?"

"What?" Finn questioned Quinn.

"Can you go buy me a pregnancy test?" Quinn requested.

"A pregnancy test?" Finn repeated.

"Lower your voice." Quinn commanded.

"Sorry." Finn apologized. "Are you sure you need that? I mean, are you...?"

"I don't know." Quinn noted. "That's why I need the test."

"Is that why you and Puck were fighting?" Finn guessed.

"No, he doesn't know about this." Quinn informed Finn. "We're fighting because I asked him to stay in New York and he said no."

"If there's a baby, he will." Finn assured Quinn.

"I don't want him staying because he feels like he has to." Quinn shook her head.

"Quinn, you know he cares about you." Finn said. "He just has a life in L.A. and-"

"Quinn? Finn?"

Quinn gave Finn a look before turning to face Sam and Blaine.

"Hey, guys!" Sam exclaimed, greeting them with hugs.

"What a small world." Blaine added. "What are you two up to?"

"Nothing, why?" Finn replied.

Quinn nudged Finn. "We were just picking up snacks. And cigarettes."

"Cigarettes?" Sam echoed.

"For Noah." Quinn clarified. "Actually, Finn, why don't you go grab everything so we can get out of here?"

"I think that's a good idea." Finn nodded. "But maybe you can come show me what cigarettes Puck likes?"

"Yeah, we should go so we can beat him home." Quinn nodded back. "Sam, Blaine, we'll see you soon."

"Have fun, guys." Sam waved.

"You, too." Finn waved back as he and Quinn hurried away.


"So." Finn said. "Are you ready to take that test?"

Quinn shook her head.

"Do you think you are?" Finn asked.

"I don't know." Quinn said.

"Well, you won't know until you do it." Finn pointed out.

Quinn nodded slowly. She took a deep breath and exhaled as she got up from the couch.

"Hey, Quinn." Finn called after her.

Quinn looked at Finn.

"Whatever it says and however Puck takes it, I'm here." Finn said. "No matter what."

Quinn nodded. "Thank you."

Finn nodded back. "Good luck."


"Puck just texted me he's here." Finn told Quinn. "I didn't tell him what's going on, but I told him you're upset and he should come see you."

Quinn wiped her eyes, but the tears continued flowing. "No, I don't wanna tell him."

"Quinn, it's gonna be fine." Finn promised as he opened the door, revealing Puck.

"Hey, thanks." Puck greeted Finn, looking past him at Quinn. He gently pushed past Finn and walked over to Quinn. "Hey, Finn said you're upset about our fight. I am, too, but-"

"Finn's a good friend for calling you, but I'm not upset about our fight." Quinn cut Puck off as she wiped her eyes. She took a deep breath, pausing as she caught sight of the pregnancy test box and instructions sprawled across Finn's counter. She walked over to it and started cleaning it up.

"What's that?" Puck asked as he looked at Finn.

"I thought I was pregnant." Quinn muttered.

Puck didn't say anything as he watched Quinn.

"Don't worry, I'm not." Quinn assured him. "So you can go back to L.A. like you wanted."

"Quinn." Puck said softly.

Quinn threw everything into Finn's garbage can and looked at Finn. "Thanks for today. I'm gonna go."

"I'll go with you." Puck decided.

"I wanna be alone." Quinn said. "I'm tired."

"Well, I wanna talk to you." Puck told her. "Let me walk you home."

Quinn looked at Finn, who nodded slowly. She took a deep breath before saying bye to Finn and leaving.

"We did good with Beth." Puck said as he followed Quinn.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrows.

"Look, if that came back positive, it's not even a question of if I'd be involved or not." Puck added. "Of course I would."

"Well, pregnant or not, I don't want you to be here unless it's what you want." Quinn clarified. "And you made it clear that you don't wanna be in New York."

"I wanna be with you." Puck told Quinn, taking her hand. "And if that can only happen if I stay, then I'll stay."

Quinn shook her head.

"I'd give up everything I have in L.A. if it means I get to have you." Puck added.

"I would never make you do that." Quinn responded.

"Then come back to L.A. with me." Puck said. "I have the career and the house, and you could bring your career there. We could keep doing this thing until we're old and gray."

"Is this some kind of proposal?" Quinn wondered.

"Right now it's a promise." Puck noted. "But someday it'll be a proposal."

Quinn smiled slightly.

"I wanna be with you."

"My answer is yes."

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