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Flying from out of the crater is Raditz and goku. Both have a completely new appearance!

Goku's hair and eyes are red along with his aura. This aura of Goku continues to make the saiyan appear younger.

Alongside Goku is Raditz with a different type of power. His hair remains black. But his left eye is blue and his aura is also blue!

He discovered this power in the time chamber. By mixing his energy with vegetas and the Angels energy.

Goku looks at raditz to say, "You know what Raditz. You actually got this! I can sense that by you not going down the super saiyan path that you're on to something!" Said Goku while powering down into his base.

Awamo get irritated by goku's display of confidence in the hybrid angel saiyan! He would dash at Raditz yelling, with spit and aggression shooting out his mouth.

"YOU BOTH WILL DIE, TODAYYY!" Said Awamo as his fist hit the forearm of Raditz! Raditz would smile. Responding to the angel in a nonchalant manner.

"You been saying you would kill me for hours now. Just shut up and take this!" Said Raditz before kicking and swinging the angel into the ground!

Meanwhile, in universe Two! A chaotic display of energy would be shown. A blast would be thrown towards a familiar king.
Just a couple of miles from this scene is another!

Blue energy would be speeding at a certain someone who has a similar appearance to our beloved Goku!

As both of the enemies of these two warriors fire their attacks. The beams would clash with the unknown warriors due to all the smoke and dust everywhere!

But both warriors would knock the beam back towards their opponents. Moments later they began to power up!

Clearing the smoke, both King Vegeta and Bardock would be seen in their base power looking fearsome as they both get into their fighting stance.

Sour would give the saiyan angel hybrid an emotionless glance. This caused Bardock to smile mockingly saying to the Angel.

"It's been 30 whole minutes since I got here." Bardock said whilst scratching his head. "You still haven't managed to make me use more power than my base!"

Sour remained quiet. However Sour would zip past Bardock. Bardock however knows this trick already somehow. He lets off a burst of energy. Knocking the invisible fist away.

Bardock seconds later would appear behind the angel. Grabbing the neck of sour Bardock would put the angel in a chokehold!

Flying up into the sky at very fast speeds Bardock would be in the atmosphere of the planet. Binding the hands and legs of the Angel with a unique type of energy!

"let's see how you handle this Angel!" Said Bardock as he elbowed the angel. Sending him flying back into the planet.

Bardock would then summon more of that unique energy! Both hands pointing outwards towards the Angel. A huge beam of energy would quickly trail behind the helpless Angel.

As the angels body hit the ground a large chunk of the planet would be destroyed. Only to be incinerated by Bardocks energy beam.

A huge explosion takes place. Causing the god of destruction Halles and The King Vegeta to stop their battle.

King Vegeta gives Halles a sinister glare. Suggesting something to her!

"I think your friend is already a goner. However, you're very pretty! How about you come over to our side! We have more power than that good for nothing DaiShitKins!" Said king vegeta with his hand out for a handshake.

Halles looks at his hand before smiling, but in a quick and precise manner she would take one of her arrow blades and chop his hand right off!

King vegeta would yell whilst backing up! Halles continues to smile as she says.

"You know, you're quite the handsome fella too, but we both know I have to kill you! Or else the king of everything will erase me!" Said Halles

But king vegeta has had it with her. His hand would suddenly start to grow back as blood and clear substance drips from it.

He would respond with conviction. "I don't give a damn about your king of everything. Just know this I am about to erase you! You little irate fool!" Said bardock before speed blitzing towards her kicking her in the chest!

His leg would completely break through the goddess chest. Making her spit up blood!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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