𝐢𝐱. 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞

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Sunjae had invited Inhye to watch him practice. Sunjae had asked his coach for a favor, as Inhye was the one that helped him get in the club. And so, Inhye sat down on the stands and watched Sunjae do his thing.

Her eyes were on him the whole time as he stretched with his fellow club members, and if Inhye didn't know him better, Sunjae seemed really excited for today's practice. Even the coach saw it. Even when he warmed up, he was full of smiles, dimple showing.

Sunjae had said that he'll break his own record, then the current record next. And Sunjae did break his current record by 0.3 seconds, making his coach jump in excitement as Sunjae rose up from the pool.

Inhye tried to distract herself to not get red from the sight of Ryu Sunjae's glistening abs. Of course he was fit, Inhye knew that since the past. Yet it never really bothered her until today... She thought of it as nothing, and her eyes wandered to his left shoulder. It appeared to be fine, and Inhye sighed in relief at that.

Her eyes then went up again to his face. His dimple always distracts her too. As if noticing she was looking at him, Sunjae looked up to her and gave her a bright smile, along with a wave.

Inhye's heart ached at it.

Noticing Inhye not replying to him as usual, Sunjae frowned, and he watched with a pang on his heart as Baek Inhye packed up her things and suddenly left.


Inhye found herself in Inhyuk's studio. She put her stuff down and turned off her phone and sighed.

She was getting tired of repeating the past. Sometimes it makes her happy, but another time it was painful to bear.

She stood up and took her guitar and went to the sofa, hopelessly sitting down, and started strumming her guitar. Her eyes looked distant.


Both Baek Inhyuk and Ryu Sunjae was worried by the obvious change of Baek Inhye's mood. The two met each other after Sunjae's practice.

"You're telling me she suddenly left?"

"Yeah, it was so out of character for her. She looked..." Sunjae didn't finish his sentence, as he couldn't describe how she felt, but tried his best, "In pain..."

Inhyuk stayed silent, worried. Then he sighed,

"She must be at the studio. Let's go." He reasoned.

The boys nodded at each other and off they went to the studio.

And as they got there, they could see Inhye through the glass doors. She was inside looking like she was... Lost.

"Sunjae-ya... I'll go and buy something for her. I think I know what will cheer her up. I don't know if it would work, but we can try." Inhyuk said urgently. "If you can, please take care and console her... Do me a favor."

"Ok..." Sunjae nodded. And off Inhyuk goes, on a mission of his own.

Sunjae took a breath and knocked on the door, making Inhye stop her thinking and turned to the door. She seemed to notice it was him. Sunjae opened the door and walked in.

𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙞𝙩 𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨, [lovely runner | ryu sunjae × oc]Where stories live. Discover now