30. spooktacular game!

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"Rise and shine, bug!" Leahs' cheerful voice woke the teenage girl out of her light slumber, "Its' time to get up!"

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"Rise and shine, bug!" Leahs' cheerful voice woke the teenage girl out of her light slumber, "Its' time to get up!"

"Ugh no, not yet," The teenager grumbles in protest before she turns and rolls over to face the other side of the bed, "I want more sleep,"

"Come on sleepy head, its' already past ten," Leah rolls her eyes, being more than used to her sisters usual antics when it come to the mornings, "You need to get up now," she adds, attempting to tug at the duvet that her little sister has wrapped around her.

"Just give me 5 more minutes," Olivia mutters as she keeps her face buried in her pillow.

The blonde clicks her tongue, "Nope, come on up you get!" Standing firm on her decision, Leah still fights to get the duvet out of her sisters' clutches.

"Why?" The teenager whines dramatically, not happy about being woken up just yet, "The game isn't even until later, there's no need for me to even get up yet!" she points out in a muffled voice due to how the pillows' pressed against her face.

"That doesn't matter, you can't stay in bed until then," Leah fires back as she shakes her head, "How're you still tired? You went to bed at a reasonable time, I made sure of it!" With a more successful attempt to tug the duvet away from her sister, it led to the teenage girl tumbling onto the floor.

"Ouch-- Le, that hurt!" Olivia grumbles in protest from where she is now lay on the floor, "Ugh, seriously? Why're you so annoyin all the time?" She complains in a mood.

"Oh I know, I am such a horrible sister now, aren't I?" Leah mocks her sisters' own upset.

"Yes you are, especially when you do things like this!" Olivia whines while scowling at her older sister, she wants nothing more right now than to jump straight back into the comfort of her bed. "Just because you like to be up super early doesn't mean that I do!"

Leah ignores her sisters' usual grumpiness as she proceeds to walk over to the window and open her curtains, "Lets' let some light in here, shall we? It looks like a depressed teenagers room in here," she remarks.

"Well in case you ain't noticed, I am a depressed teenager," Olivia mutters, squinting her eyes at the sudden brightness that lets' in the room when her sister opens the curtains. "Le, ah! It's too bright, shut the curtains!" she hisses in complaint.

"Somebody sure is grumpy this morning, eh?" Leah teases her sister amusedly, more than used to her sisters' flare for dramatics.

"Not everybody likes to wake up in a sunshine mood like you do," Olivia fires back as she glares at her older sister, "You won't even let me sleep either, cos' you're all like 'Oh how can I annoy Liv today? I know a good idea, lets' wake her up at the crack of dawn!" The teenager mimics her sisters' voice perfectly.

Leah stares at her younger sister in utter disbelief, "I do not sound like that at all!" she states in disagreement.

"Yeah you do, think I nailed that perfectly if I do say so myself," Olivia smirks proud of herself, leaving her older sister lost for words.

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