The Crown Prince's Profit Lover (14)

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The jewel shimmered beautifully in the light on Bai Wei's pale hand. Jiang Long sat motionless cradling his lover in his arms for a long time.


While Bai Wei laid in Jiang Long's arms the system and hardware shed tears while watching in Bai Wei's mind. They had prepared popcorn and candy before hand to watch the finale but still felt emotional watching Jiang Long put the ring on Bai Wei's finger.

The hardware sniffled slightly before preparing to extract the host's soul from the world.

"No no no no no no no. No? No! No!! NO!!" As if sensing Bai Wei's soul being extracted Jiang Long suddenly went mad. He started laughing and crying at the same time while screaming no. The onlookers grew terrified watching the man who was becoming increasingly sporadic as the seconds passed.

The hardware paid no mind and continued its work when something got in the way. Jiang Long's eyes turned from a black color into a golden hue. He was enveloped in a white aura while still shouting.

The white light then spread over to Bai Wei and the hole in Bai Wei's chest started healing at a rapid pace. In a matter of seconds, Bai Wei returned to looking perfectly healthy and his body regained its previous warmth.


About a month later, Bai Wei opened his eyes to see a white hospital ward. He sat up in confusion and was surprised to feel no pain this time.

What happened while I was out? How am I alive?

The system paused awkwardly and glanced at the hardware for a moment before answering in a quiet voice. [The doctor's arrived soon after you passed out and were able to stabilize your condition by using an imperial secret medicine to regrow your heart at an..... impressive speed]

This was the excuse that the system and hardware had come up with during Bai Wei's coma. They were originally going to tell Bai Wei the truth but found that after the event happened they could no longer speak about it. It was as if a ban had been placed on the matter.

Not only that, the entire world seemed to forget about the whole ordeal as well. They all seemed to come up with a different series of events within their head over the things that they could not remember. Eventually the general consensus was the story that the system had just told Bai Wei.

The system and hardware were curious about the matter but decided not to look into it. It became increasingly obvious with time that the target of these missions was someone not to be trifled with.

At this time, Jiang Long walked into the ward with a bouquet of flowers in hand. He looked up in surprise as his eyes met Bai Wei's.

This past month that Bai Wei was in a coma was hellish for Jiang Long. He got no sleep and was at Bai Wei's side constantly during the first two weeks. After that, his father grew increasingly impatient over the matter of succession and started dumping the various matters of the emperor onto Jiang Long without the other's consent. Jiang Long looked at the documents and momentarily had the idea to ruin the entire country but ultimately decided not to, after all his Bai Wei still lived here.

The first order of business that Jiang Long did was to completely uproot the radical group responsible for the assassination at the ceremony. Afterwards, the majority of his time began to be taken up by ruling the country. Despite his busyness, Jiang Long still made sure to visit Bai Wei in the hospital at least twice a day. At this time, Jiang Long was on his way back from a large meeting with the nobles.

His tired eyes and unkempt beard were the first things to come into Bai Wei's view. Bai Wei looked at the other compassionately as Jiang Long smiled like a child on Christmas morning and hugged Bai Wei with all of his might.

"Thank goodness, you're alive!" Jiang Long said with tears streaming down his face and he hugged Bai Wei.

"Yes yes, I'm alive and well" Bai Wei comforted.


It took another two months after waking up before Bai Wei was released from the hospital. Physically, Bai Wei was in perfect health ,but Jiang Long still insisted on running every test known to man in order to be sure. On the day of his release, the two walked out of the hospital hand in hand in matching white suits. Bai Wei was escorted by Jiang Long to a lake where Bai Wei discovered a a wedding venue filled with everyone he knew and loved.

Bai Wei turned his head to ask Jiang Long what was going on when Jiang Long slipped a ring on his finger and asked Bai Wei "Wei'er, will you marry me?"

In tears, Bai Wei said yes.

The rest of their years were spent in comfort. Bai Wei became the leading scientist in the biology and medical fields and single handedly brought the estimated life span up by two hundred years. Meanwhile, Jiang Long pushed for equality among all citizens and led the nation into a new era without nobility or imperialism. Jiang Long became the first president of the new nation.

Finally, when the two were older they moved out to a remote planet and enjoyed their final days in peace in quiet.

Jiang Long looked over at his husband who had been with him for almost one hundred and fifty years. Bai Wei's hair had become gray and his face was wrinkled but Jiang Long still thought he was the most beautiful person in the world.

Jiang Long knew his time was coming to an end so he grabbed Bai Wei's now wrinkled hand and said " I love you....Bai'er"

Bai Wei looked at Jiang Long's eyes slowly close and felt the hand that was holding his become slack. He silently reminded the hardware to withdraw his soul.  

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