The Ex-Superstar's Alien Fan (1)

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Bai Wei looked at Jiang Long's eyes slowly close and felt the hand that was holding his become slack. He silently reminded the hardware to withdraw his soul.


Back in the system space, Bai Wei stood still for a very long time. Tears started flowing from the corners of his eyes but he remained silent, staring at a wall as the tears dripped down onto the floor. Suddenly, Bai Wei knelled over and continued crying, but still refusing to make a sound.

Bai Wei knew that he shouldn't be sad, it was just a mission. But knowing that he wouldn't see Jiang Long again broke Bai Wei's heart. Sure, it hadn't started from love ,but somewhere among all those years they spent together Bai Wei had grown to love Jiang Long.

He could not bear the idea of living in a world without Jiang Long.

Bai Wei felt a brush of fur against his back, he looked up to see a white Pomeranian dog rubbing against his hand. When it got closer it started licking up Bai Wei's tears and snuggled into his arms as if asking to be hugged. Bai Wei momentarily smiled at its cuteness before enveloping the dog. A little past the dog there was also a black panther, it looked at Bai Wei silently with worry in its eyes before approaching slowly and resting its head against Bai Wei's.

[It will be okay.] The black panther, the hardware said. The three stayed like this for a moment before the hardware started nudging Bai Wei to stand up. Bai Wei stood up while continuing to hold the Pomeranian who he now recognized as the system. The system gestured for Bai Wei to walk towards one of the white walls of the system space. Bai Wei did so and watched as the system placed its paw on the wall. Suddenly the space elongated to show a bedroom with very simple decorations. Bai Wei walked towards the bed and laid down to sleep with the system and hardware next to him.

Bai Wei woke up after a while and felt a bit better. The three chatted for a while when the system seemed to think of something. The system was rather cheery with its small tail wagging behind it as it said [Host! Please give me and the hardware names!]

Bai Wei thought for a second before he said Then I will call system 496....Hua and the hardware... Liu.

The two seemed quite happy with these names. Hua jumped up and down a few times while running in circles and Liu flicked his tail and nuzzled his snout against Bai Wei's neck. The atmosphere was very happy for a while.

When Hua calmed down he circled back and started reading the mission report to Bai Wei.

[Congratulations on completing the mission!!

World Difficulty: C

Total points earned: 750 points ]

What's the world difficulty?

[ That is the danger level presented within the world. Points earned on missions will increase or decrease depending on the world difficulty. The worlds and their difficulties are randomly selected however so we never know what the next world may be. ]

A screen popped up in front of Bai Wei. It had a cute chibi person drawn out explaining the different levels of difficulty and their points available.

[ Attention!!!! Points Available is the number of points one can earn for a perfect completion of the mission. Points given are based upon the percentage of the completion of the mission. As such, if one gets ten points of affection they will receive 10% of this number!!

level F- easy
Points available: 500

Level D- Below average
Points available: 625

Level C- Average
Points available: 750

Level B- Above Average
Points available: 875

Level A- Hard
Points available: 1000

Level S- Extremely Hard
Points available: 1200]

Bai Wei read through the information then looked through the system shop for a moment. The system shop had everything one could imagine. There were numerous things that Bai Wei could not recognize. Surprisingly, the prices of most items were relatively cheap and only a few items cost more than one thousand points. In contrast, the second chance of life looked like a golden goose egg with a cost of 100,000 points. Bai Wei's eyebrow twitched at this for a moment before he checked his total number of points.

Currently, he had 850 points to spend. Bai Wei browsed through the shop for a second before he stopped at a skill book that was only listed for twenty points. The skill was randomized ,but this was still a great deal compared to the rest of the skills that cost at least 150 points. Bai Wei quickly bought two of this skill book.

[Ding! The host has purchased two randomized skill books! Now choosing randomized skills!]

A large colorful wheel with hundreds of skills suddenly appeared in front of Bai Wei. The wheel spun quickly and finally stoped after a moment. It started spinning again immediately after stopping without Bai Wei being able to read the skill. The wheel quickly stopped a second time.

[Ding! Host has gained skill books for 'Martial Arts ( Taekwondo)' as well as 'The Art Of The White Lotus' please step into the training space to learn these skills!!]

A white door appeared in front of Bai Wei, he patted Hua's and Liu's heads one last time before stepping through the door. After what felt like hundreds of years to Bai Wei he finally stepped back through the white door as a changed person.

He hugged Hua and Liu for a moment before stating 'I am ready to enter the next mission world'.

[Ding! Now entering the next mission world!]

The room began to spin and Bai Wei grew dizzy once again. When the dizziness subsided Bai Wei opened his eyes to look at his surroundings. He was on a metal thrown. Bai Wei appreciated the expensive looking metal for a moment before realizing that his hands were different than that of a humans. They were shiny, just like the metal of the throne that he was on. Additionally, he had two more than normal!!

Bai Wei who had suddenly become another species: ????????

Bai Wei hurriedly examined the world overview. This world was an apocalyptic setting with alien invasion as the main factor. The world centered around a young man named Dai Changming who was a rookie in the entertainment industry before the doomsday. Due to an interesting turn of events Dai Changming as well as 20% of the human population evolved to gain superhuman abilities in the face of adversity. Dai Changming teams up with fellow abilities to build a strong hold. Together they fight against the aliens with Dai Changming as the leader of the human race. The plot ends when Dai Changming beheads the king of the alien race and forces the alien race into submission.

And who was Bai Wei in all of this? Well of course, Bai Wei was the aforementioned alien king.

Bai Wei:..... Liu!!!!!  

Liu: quietly reduces his presence

Quick Transmigration: Host Dada, This system can't keep up!Where stories live. Discover now