The Ex-Superstar's Alien Fan (3)

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Dai Chengming sat at the entrance of the base, there were soldiers lining the fort with guns at attention. There were also archers with flaming arrows at the top of the walls to the stronghold. Each one had a solum look to their faces as they came to terms with their impending death. A fierce determination flashed in their eyes. If they were going to die, they'd take as many of these aliens down with them as they could.

This had been the general consensus to the news about the aliens sudden visit to their base. They each thought that the only reason for a diplomatic leader to visit them now was to exterminate the last safe haven for the humans. And they'd have been right, if this was still the same Bai Wei that is.

All soldiers, citizens , and even a few kids raised whatever weapon they could find and looked with determination as a small dot approached the settlement.

They watched as the dot grew larger and larger, it became a ball, then a sphere, then a hole in the sky. Finally it covered the suns rays and cast a large shadow over the entire city. It looked as if there was a black hole in the sky that was coming to swallow up the earth. It might have been better if it was a black hole. They had a better chance of surviving whatever was inside a black hole (not that they knew) than to fight this alien race.

The hole in the sky became a plane, then a ship,  then an island. The crowd watched with half awe and half terror as a giant floating city covered the sky. It was clad in black armor like a war ship with weapons from most angles. It could have passed for a war ship if not for the small buildings that were akin to skyscrapers and houses on its top. The looming figure finally came to a complete stop above the city.

The strongest of the soldiers of the base felt an urge to cry as he looked at the atrocity that was home to these abominations. He had originally held out some hope for survival until this moment but the mere arrival of this behemoth war city had dashed out even the slightest hope. They were going to die today.

Beside him, Dai Changming looked with a satirical glint in his eyes. The hard work that he and his fellow teamates had put in. The late nights, the heart wrenching sacrifices of his loved ones, the endless worries that he put into managing this base were all for not. All it took was one visit from this floating ship (or whatever monstrosity it was) to dash out his months of work. Dai Chengming felt sad at the idea of this ,but their was nothing to be done. After all they were going to die today.

They all watched at the floating city broke in halves, then fourths, eighths, Sixteenths, and kept splicing until there were at least one hundred floating ships in the air. They all surrounded the city but made no further moves after aiming their weapons at the base. A lone ship that was a light blue bobbled around for a second at the center. It had originally been at the very middle of the city and made a stark contrast to the rest of the black ships. It looked like a beautiful diamond as it shimmered in the sunlight, those watching would have been dazzled by its appearance if not for the current circumstances. The blue ship bobbed up and down for a moment in what seemed like a light dance as it zoomed around before touching down right in front of where Dai Chengming and his company were situated. They all watched with curiosity as the door to the cabin of the ship opened. A light fog billowed out from the door before a shadowy figure walked out into the light.

A young boy that looked no older than eighteen walked leisurely out from the cockpit. His face was extremely pleasing to the eyes and his icy blue eyes could captivate anyone they looked at. If not for his silvery skin and long white hair, he could have passed for a very beautiful human boy. At least, that was until two long tendril like arms swayed out from behind him. They were large and robotic with claws like that of a claw machine at the ends of them. They stretched all the way out seeming to grow infinitely longer as they made their way to the ground. They then planted into the ground and Bai Wei was effortlessly let down onto the ground by the tendril's support. Bai Wei looked like he was a dove gliding into its nest and an almost angelic light shined on his face. All who saw the scene were shell shocked.

In the few days of preparation before the aliens arrived, each of them had momentarily guessed at what the leader of the monsters looked like. They imagined it to be a large mangled creature made of cogs and wheels held up by an array of arms. A truly horrific sight. Or maybe a giant cyclops beast with creaky joints that were as large as cars. In their imaginings they pictured the leader to be a thing of horror, a sickly looking creature that one would not be able to forget. After all one would have to be quite the intimidating creature in order to lead such ruthless subjects.

Everyone's surprise was apparent as they looked at the innocent and cute looking boy in front of them. He didn't look like a leader of any kind, much less one of the alien race. The boy looked like he had never worked a day in his life and perfectly matched the ascetic of a rich spoiled young master. He had a cute grin on as he made his rounds around the people on the two giant legs before stopping in front of Dai Chengming.

He opened his milky lips and looked at Dai Chengming with stars in his eyes. Dai Chengming momentarily thought Bai Wei looked cute before coming to his senses as Bai Wei began to speak.

"Friends, Romans, Countrymen. I come here to tour your abode, not to bury you. Please lay down your weapons immediately before we blow this place to ashes." Bai Wei said in a thick traditional Chinese accent that even native Chinese speakers like Dai Chengming had trouble deciphering.

Author: The first one to guess what Bai Wei's words are a reference to will get to know a bit about the next arc!!

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