Chapter Twenty

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Jynx POV

I'm still tied to this chair with only my thoughts. Now, I wish I would had just stayed home with my real family. How are they ever going to find me? I did come to about 30ish minutes ago, and I have just been playing like I'm still out. Not wanting another beating. Though I'm sure the next thing would just be death. I'm still tired from torture, so closing my eyes seems like the best option. I heard one pop before I fell out again.

Paxton's POV

We landed and are now on our way to where they are keeping my sister. I'm hoping we make it in time. Being realistic, I know they torture her. I'm not stupid. The true question is, what condition is she in? I'm praying we are not too late. That would kill us all, just getting her back just to lose her again. Billy storms the front with guards with the first initial guns shot ran out. It is now all out war to kill as many as we can and find our families princess and bring her home. Taking down as many as 50 people so far with all the man power have have, and it still looks like there could be more on the other floors. Glancing to my left, I see dad using one of the dead men from the lions as a human shield. More men were going after my father, thinking if they could take him down, they would be taking it over. Well, sorry to burst your little bubble that will not be happening. Grabbing the attention of one of our men, I motion for him to follow me. And we start mowing down the men. Dad gave us a look of temporary relief and dropped the body he was still using as a human shield.

Billy's POV

I mow my way through the men here like they are worth nothing. Well, they are worth nothing. The guards I have under my command follow me through the rest of the warehouse in the process of looking for our princess. After going down floors and hallways. We come to an oddly placed bookshelf. My guards and I look at each other right as I say "Fuck it, move it." To all of our surprise there was a hallway behind it to. I take the lead and head in first. Keeping our awareness high alert so we are not picked off from the back or front, we come to a heavy looking wooden door. I raise my finger and start a small count of three, and I kick it open, shocked that it wasn't as heavy as it looked. There I see my sister in bad shape. I almost didn't recognize her. I untied her, and I pulled off my shirt and pulled over her torn sliced up body. Carefully picking her up, my guards form the best circle they could around us, giving the small hallway. My guards picked off some stragglers that appeared, and we continued our way through the blood shed rooms and halls to the exit. We must have gotten everyone. Nice!

Maddox's POV

We just finished off all the loins men that were here, and I see my son Billy carring our princess. Running to them, I give my baby girl a small kiss on the forehead and whisper, "we are going home. You are safe now and never leaving our sight again." Turning to my men.

Maddox boss mode(MB) solders (S)

MB: Take care this mess. Burn it down. Make sure nothing is left or tracable to us. Understand!?

S: Yes, boss right away boss. On it.

MB: Good, when all of you are all done, meet us at the airport. You have one hour.

S: Yes, boss.

Walking back to the blacked out SUV. I climb in the front with one of my guards driving. And my boys are holding a very beat-up Jynx in their laps. Truly, just now, seeing how bad her injuries are, I tell my guard to floor it and get us to the airport. I will have a doctor waiting for us. Don't worry, we more than on trusted doctor we bring and keep out of harms way as much as possible. What good would they do me if they get hurt and can't heal my family or men? My guard turned an hour and a half drive into a 45-minute drive. The doctor is already awaiting command and directions.

Doctor (d)

d: What do we have, boss?

MB: My daughter, your mafia princess. You will do your utmost best to get her healed and taken care of.

d: Sr. With all due respect, you do understand I can help her. I can clean wounds and stitch them up. Give antibiotics and pain meds, but the healing is gonna have to be done on her end.

MB: I get it. Just get it done. We have an hour, we'll more like 25 minutes before my men get here, and we take off.

d: Okay, that doesn't leave much time. Let's get started, and please place her on bed in the back.

Billy's POV

I very carefully place Jynxie on the bed in the back of the plane. The doctor gets to work right away. He had to give her 32 stitches in the would that goes from her ear to her chin. Another 15 stitches to each of the wounds on her thighs. Hooked up an IV with antibiotics and pain medication. Ointment for all the bruise since he was unable to get x-rays on a plane.

d: Sirs. I have done all I can do for her as of right now. But when we get back home and into the medical wing, I want to get x-rays to see if any ribs or bones are broken. I gave them a feel the best I could, but with the wounds, I was afraid if I pushed on the ribs that blood would be pushed out her wounds.

P: Thank you, Doc. When she pulls through, because I refuse to say if. So when she pulls through, will she have much scarring on her face and body?

d: Sir. I did my best with the time we had, but I am fairly certain that she will have minimal scarring. The wounds on her thighs being the ones I'm going to say show must of all. However, if she or any of you in this case keeps applying this ointment, since she will be out of it for however long, it takes her to wake up. It usually reduces the scarring.

Just then the our men start entering the plane, and we all get ready for take off. With Paxton and I staying with her in the bed. One on each side to keep her safe.

Jynx's POV

I'm slowly coming to when I feel body heat coming from each of my sides. Panicking I statlrt the thrash about. One body falling on the floor.

P: Ouch! What was that for?

J: Sorry! I panicked, before I had the chance to realize where I was and who I was with. ( whisper)

P: It's okay sissy! I forgive you. Now I'm climbing back in, and we are gonna sleep until we get back home.

With the body heat from both of my brothers I'm lolling right back to sleep.

To all my wonderful readers. I'm terribly terribly sorry it took me so long to update. Life got busy and with not knowing how to start writing again from the terrocious writers block. I know I know, know excuse. But anyway again sorry for the very long wait. I hope this chapter will do. And I will be on my best to try and send out more updates. Until, next time my dearest 📚 readers.💗

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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