Chapter fifteen

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    (Time skip 5 years, not an actual time skip from last chapter just a different POV)
(Making Billy 20, Paxton 19, Jynx 15)

Billy's POV:

Mom was okay after hitting her head when she fainted that night when Jynx was kidnapped. Here we are 5 years later and we still can't find our sister. Five very long miserable years. Mom was killed, and we moved our main part of our business to New York. Getting a text from dad, Paxton and I are now in dad's home office.

B: You wanted to see us, dad?

D: Yes, I know these 5 years have been hell. Hell, even hell is an understatement. If there is a place worse than hell. But I have to send both of you out of town. I need you both to check on some of our businesses. Then give a report back. You leave in 20. So go grab your emergency backup bags since I didn't give you time to pack an actual bag.

P: Alright, let's go.

Pax and I went to grab our emergency backup bag. I love dad to death, but man, I hate when he doesn't give us more than 20 or so minutes to leave. But he is the boss man. We have no clue where he is sending us.

B: Were are we headed?

D: I will send the address to your phone.

We make our way to the car, and off we go. We make a pit spot at a nice little restaurant on the way to our destination. Hey, everyone has to eat. We are sitting at the table waiting for our food to come out when the little bell above the door rings. I look up and to my surprise I see our baby sister. Pax turns to see what I'm looking at, and as if we were thinking the same thing, we both bolt out of the seats, and we engulf her in a huge hug. She stiffens within being in our arms.

P: Sissy where have you been? We have been looking for you for years. Dad misses you something terrible. We all miss you. Come home with us.

J: I am not coming home with you. I was not wanted. That is why they had given me away. And what only your father misses me? Not your mother?

B: Jynx, mom passed away a year ago. She was out looking for you. She was crossing the street, and a car ran her over. They then proceeded to back up over her again. Running over her body more than four times. By the time we knew she snuck out of the house to go look for you, we were too late to save her. She knew we had enemies out to get us, but the love she has for you clouded her judgment to look for you at night and with no protection. She was only worried about her baby girl. Don't you see they didn't give you up. You were taken from all of us.

J: It's impossible my dad wouldn't lie to me. In fact, I'm on a mission right now. And my men are expecting me back any minute now. So if you don't mind, I need to order my food and leave.

P: Jynxie, please, I need you, we need you. I love you!

B: Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.

I leave and head for the restroom. I pull out my phone and dial dads number. He picks up on the first ring.

D: Hello?

B: Dad..

D: Yes, son, what is it?

B: Dad, we found Jynx.

D: WHAT!! Bring her home. Forget about the mission. I will send someone else to do it. Just bring her home to us. Please, son!

B: That's just it dad she has been brainwashed. She told us that she was told you and mom didn't want her anymore. She is even calling someone else dad. We tried to convince her to come with us. But she refuses to.

D: I don't care. I want my baby. Drug her if you need to. Just bring our princess HOME!

B: Dad, I can't do that. I can't drug her. She is my sister, your daughter!

D: If she doesn't come willingly. You can, and you will drug her. You understand me, boy?

B: Yes, boss.

I hang up the phone, and I message one of the guards to get a chloroform rag ready for me. Moments later, the guard walks in with the rag in hand. I asked him if she was still out there, and he gave a nod of head with a "yes, sir. We blocked the exits. And she is still waiting for her food." Taking the rag into my hand, I leave the restroom. I see Paxton is keeping her distracted the best he can. I quietly walk up behind her. I place the rag over her nose and mouth. I can feel her holding her breath. "Pax tickle her." I said. He starts to tickle her, and I can feel her take a deep breath in. Moments later, her body gives way, and she goes limp. Paxton catches her before she hits the floor. The waitress sees and starts to get worked up. "Help! These men are trying to kidnap her! Help someone!" The waitress says. I walk up to the waitress and tell her to "shut her trap, unless you want to be next. You don't want to mess with the King family." She pales at the mention of our last name and shakes her head no repeatedly. "Good! Now, here is money for her food and keep the change for tip." I say to the waitress. I grab the food and walk out to the awaiting car where Paxton has her already in the back and buckled in. Now for the ride home.

B: Dad wants us to abort the mission and bring the princess home.

P: What about the mission?

B: Dad said TO ABORT! He is gonna get another team to complete it. Our only mission now is to return the princess to her rightful home.

Paxton nods his head and starts the drive home. Only a 2 hour drive back to the house and we park the car. I carry Jynx up to her room and tuck her in, leaving a kiss on her forehead. "Sorry, I didn't want to drug you. But I had no choice. Please forgive me." I whisper to her sleeping self. I leave the room, and there is a guard at her door. And I wouldn't be surprised if he placed a guard outside her bedroom window as well.

Here is another chapter. Sorry it has been a few days. I was catching up on other stories from other wonderful writers. I hope you like it. Stay safe and healthy. Thanks for reading 📚. Until next time, my dear readers. 💜🙂💜

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