Chapter fourteen

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                      (Gone missing)

Billy's POV:

I have this sinking feeling something is wrong. I'm with Pax in his room. We just finished dinner, and we were playing a card game when we heard a soft bang coming from Jynx's room. We ran to her room and saw some guy jumping out her bedroom window with her in his arms. I yelled for dad and mom. Yes, I call them mom and dad now. Anyway, dad made it to the room first, and he started yelling for his men to search the camera footage for any leads on who took our sister/ his daughter, their daughter. Mom broke down in tears and collapsed to the floor, hitting the back of her head. Her eyes closed.


I ran to her and pulled her head into my lap, and dad came running and picked her up into his arms. He took her to the clinic wing where the doctor checked her out and said she would be okay.

Jynx's POV:

I feel a cloth over my mouth. I open my mouth to scream, taking a big breath in. I then started to feel very sleepy, and I felt someone picking me up. With one last effort, I kicked over a picture of my brothers and I making a soft bang. Now, I just hope it was loud enough for someone to hear, and I passed out. I wake up in a small room with just a bed and a small lamp for light. I was just looking around the tiny room when the door opened and in walked some man.

(Stranger - St)(I am not gonna give him a name. You may if you wish to.)

St: Ahh, you're finally awake. Here, eat some food.

J: Where am I? Where are Mommy and Daddy? Where are my brothers? I want to go home(begins to cry)

St: Well, you are not going home. This is your home now. Your mommy and daddy told me to take you away. They didn't want you anymore.

J: That is not true. Mommy and Daddy love me. They would never send me away. I WANT TO GO HOME!!

St: I told you this is your home now. They don't want you anymore. So get used to it, little girl. If you listen, you won't get hurt.

This is what I went through day in and day out until I started to actually believe him.

( 5 year time skip)

(This makes Billy 20, Paxton 19, Jynx 15)

Dad and I, yes, I started calling him dad after the first year of living with him. Anyway, dad and I moved around a lot. He says it is for his job. He told me he is a traveling arm's dealer (gun's.) Now I had no clue back then that was not a real job. I was 10, but when I was 12, he finally told me he was a gang leader of The Lions. We currently live in Texas. He has me home schooled because I would always skip class. It got to the point that the school was calling him every day, hence the home school. He knows I can't skip.

(Dad)St: Jynx, can you come to my office, baby girl?

J: Sure, dad, give me a minute. I just need to submit my homework in and done. Okay, I'm on my way.

I am at his office door, and I knock and walk right in. "You wanted to see me?" I say as I take a seat in one of the chairs.

(Dad)St: Yes, baby girl. I have a job for you to do tonight.

J: Okay, what is the job this time? Seduce someone, collect payment, receive a shipment, or oh my favorite. I get to torture someone until they talk?

(Dad)St: (Chuckles) I need you to collect a payment from a client. But be careful, sweetheart. Take some of my guys with you.

J: Okay, when do I leave?

(Dad)St: In an hour, so pack a small bag. You will be there for a full day once you land.

Nodding my head, I stand up from the chair, and he hands me the file. I give it a quick look over, and I don't recognize this client. Hmm, it must be a new client. Shrugging my shoulders, I handed the file back to dad, and I left for my room to pack. That is the upside to home school, I still can go on missions and still be able to do my work if needed. Pulling my duffle bag out of my closet, I shove in an all black outfit and a set of undergarments, not needing any sleepwear. I like to sleep in the raw. I know, I know TMI! But hey, oh well. I grab my toiletries and place them in the side pocket, and done. I carry my bag downstairs and place it next to the door. Now I make my way to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich, and grab a water bottle for the road. "Ms. the guys are waiting for you by the door." The maid said. "Thank you, Greta." I replied and went to the door. And indeed they were there waiting for me. "Let's hit the road. We need to get to the airport on time." I said to them. They gave me a nod, and one of them grabbed my bag for me. If I ever have a mission that requires me to travel outside the state, one of the guys that go with me grabs my bag. Dad's orders not mine.
(Skip car ride and skip plane flight)
We exit the plane, and we are in Pennsylvania. It is a nice fall day, I could really get used to this weather. Climbing into the limo, the driver takes us to our hotel. The guys and I share the suit, not a bed. "Guys, I'm going to go get something to eat. Do you want me to bring anything back for you, ya'll?" I yell throughout the suit. I get a bunch of okays and them telling me what they want. I make my way back to the ground floor of the hotel, and I ask the concierge where I could go for good food. He gave me the name of a quaint little restaurant with the directions there. I call my driver and within minutes he is here. I gave him the name and directions there. We arrive and I tell the driver to wait here for me. I walk inside and all I can think right now is what that fuck!

Well my dear readers here is another chapter. I hope you like it. Thank you for reading 📚. Stay safe and healthy. Until next time my dear readers. 💜🙂💜

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