Chapter ten

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Jynx's POV:

We are home now from our lunch. I asked mom and dad if Billy could stay the night. They, of course, agreed once they heard how his parents adopted us and raised us like their own all the way up until their deaths. We are in the theater room watching Star Wars. Yoda, Chewy, and R2-D2 are my favorites. But overall, I like all the characters. If I were to have to choose, they would be the 3 I picked. Anyway, I cuddle up to Billy and Paxton. I lay my head on Billy's lap and my legs on Pax's lap. We are a little past halfway through the movie when mom yelled down the stairs that dinner was ready. We all sit at the table and say thanks (a prayer) for the food we were blessed with. We all started to eat, and dad struck up a conversation.

D: So Billy, since you are their brother, would you like to move in here with us? That is if it is okay with your Uncle Charles.

B: I would love to, but I need to ask Uncle first. I love my siblings, but Uncle took me in. I can't just leave him.

D: Your Uncle Charles may move in as well if he wishes. We have a guest room, and we also have a guest house. This way, you three are only minutes apart compared to 45 minutes apart.

J: Billy, please!! I need both of my big brothers with me.

B: Jy, I need to ask Uncle.

P: Man, I hope he is okay with it. I don't want to lose my brother.

Everyone finished dinner, and the boys went to Paxton's room, and I went to mine. It was getting late and I wanted a nice bath before I went to bed. After finishing my bath, I dressed in my pj's and closed my eyes, and let sleep take me.

🛑🚧 Warning ⚠️ May be a trigger to some. Please be warned.🚧🛑You May skip ahead if you wish


I'm awoken from my sleep with my hair being pulled. My eyes snapped open. I see my adopted Dad and mom with an evil grin spread across their faces. "Get the hell out of bed, you lazy cu*t! Go make us our breakfast!" My adopted mom yells. She proceeds to pull me out of bed by my hair. My hands fly to my hair, trying to pry her hands from me. My adopted dad saw me trying to get his wife to release me. "You little bitch!" He takes a kick to my stomach, feeling a crack to my ribs I cry in pain. I release my hands from her grip on me and I wrap my arms around myself. He takes this as the beginning of another beating and kicks me in the back. His wife released my hair and I completely take to the floor. The next thing I know he is kneeled over me. He grabs ahold of me head and starts banging my head off the floor. Feeling very light-headed I begin to black out. Right before the darkness takes me I scream out "Please stop!" And I'm out cold.

🛑🚧 Safe to read on🚧🛑

Covered in sweat I sit straight up in bed and look about my surroundings. The bedroom door is opened ajar and I can see the hallway nightlight. I get up out of bed and head for the shower. After washing off the sweat I pull on a clean pair of pj's and I make my way into Paxton's room where I climb up into his bed. He must have sensed me climbing into his bed because I'm pulled into his chest. This is where I slept for the rest of the night. Morning rolls around, and I look at the clock and see it is now 06:00(am.). I climb out of bed and head to the kitchen to set the table for breakfast. Just as I finish setting the table, I hear my dad's voice come from the doorway. Startling me, I jump what feels like six feet in the air. Dad toke notice, and he asks.

D: Princess, are you alright? I didn't mean to startle you. But what are you doing up so early, pumpkin?

I give a sigh I didn't know I held in. And responded to his questions.

J: Yes, I am okay, thank you. I'm always up this early. While at the orphanage, we had chores to do, and when we turned 12, we were taught how to cook. Me being only ten, I would have to set the table.

D: Well my dear, you no longer have to set the table for meals. We have housekeepers to do that for us. Since the table is now set, how about we go to my office and have a talk.

I stiffen at the words he spoke. Noticing me going stiff, he responds with, " You are not in any trouble." I shook my head and followed my dad to his office. I take a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk while he takes the seat right next to me. He grabs ahold of my hand, and I flinch from his action. Raising his eyebrow, he begins to talk.

D: Baby girl, can you tell me what happened in your nightmare the other day and also what happened in last nights nightmare?

J: H-H-How did you know I had another nightmare last night?

D: I didn't, but you just confirmed my thoughts. Do you remember when Paxton and I had a talk when you both just arrived. Well, he and I talked about a lot of things.

J: What kind of things?

D: Things you will know when the time is right. But back to what's on hand. Can you tell me what happened to cause you to have a panic attack and the nightmare you had just last night?

Not wanting to tell my dad about my nightmares and the abuse I went through, I started to tear up. Knowing that he has the right to know, I let the tears fall. He pulled me into his lap and held me as I cried. For what seems to be like hours was actually 10 minutes or so. I was finally able to go into details about both nightmares. He looked like he could have killed my adopted family, but his face softened when he brought his attention back to me. He told me he was gonna get me a therapist that he trusted wholeheartedly. That is if I was willing to talk to one. Giving a nod of approval, I gave him a big hug.

J: Thank you, Daddy. Please don't tell Paxy. He doesn't know any of this. I'm sorry I'm so broken.

D: Baby, you are not broken, don't ever say or think that again, please. You are loved and always was. But how doesn't Paxton know any of this?

J: This happened when he was adopted out without me, and I was adopted out 2 days after he was. This was my second adoption. The first adoption only lasted 2 months when they got pregnant with their own and returned us to Ms. Daisy's orphanage. Anyway, I was returned from my second home when they no longer had any use for me. I was returned 6 months after they adopted me, and he was returned 3 months after me. He doesn't know about me being adopted out. That is why he thinks I was only adopted out twice. When in reality we were both adopted out 3 times. Our last home well before now we were happy and then our family was killed. Billy went with his uncle, and we went back to the orphanage. Later, we were brought home with you and mom. You know the rest from there.

D: Wow, baby girl, you are stronger than you ever know. And I'm very happy that you are, but you will need to tell him whenever you feel you can. He loves you, sweetheart. We all do. Well, pumpkin, let's go get breakfast, shall we.

As he mentioned breakfast, my tummy let's itself known with a loud growl. He chuckled at the sound my tummy made, and he picked me up as he carried me to the kitchen so we could eat. He sets me down on my chair, and I see everyone is waiting for us. Dad jesters for everyone to start eating.

D: Hayden, Charles, I need to talk to you in my office after we are done here.

H,C: You got it, boss.

J: Boss??

Well, here is another chapter for you. Hope you liked it. Please leave a vote if you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading. Until next time, my dear readers.💜🙂💜

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